
Showing posts from August, 2013

Tuesday thought

Hey there ma sexy ladiessss.. or maybe boy (?) so how's life? Jadiiii, today was pretty much exhausting even I go to nowhere just sitting in front of my tv and doing like reading magazines, checking my phones, back to my computer desk, start youtubing, browsing for cute pictures , and that's all perlu diketahui sedunia yah, kalo liburanku semester ini bener bener super relaxing punya banyak waktu buat nenangin diri dan sampai lamanya sampek bosen hahaha beginilah anak muda, anak muda labil lebih tepatnya, kalo nggak libur libur pada nggak semangat sekolah a.k.a kuliahnya, giliran udah libur semesteran yang segini bertahun tahunnya bosen deh lumutan ya begitulah, kalo memikirkan kata summary, sesungguhnya liburanku sedikit menyedihkan ya, menyedihkan. cuma karena awal liburanku pergi ke NZ aja jadi lebih berwarna oh ya, ke jakarta juga, trus ada idul fitri and then, what about the rest of my holiday? it can be summarized to a single word: UNPRODUCTIVE goshhhhhh manu...

a lovely day

optimism. Im ready to facing a new stage of my life. I wont tell you what happened in my life lately, but sadly I want to haha weirdo. A simple thing, just buzzed my life so damned instantly giving a massive changing made my life from an "okay, cool" for being "wtf" yes I am. I just made my academic way so worst became my lowest score or whatever on my whole life. I'm never ever getting this bad score as this bad. As this creepy college was fun, and so the people, and yes the teacher and the subjects. But  the story behind it wasssssss Im joining an event and unfortunately I can organize myself in the way I must too the god of fortune not giving me the change . and I cant made it, I ruin everything My mommy's kredit, My daddy's money WE'RE OUT OF MONEEEEEEY haha NO. not that bad. But I feel like I just keeping them cannot save their money for their self, for their need I just went to New Zealand and it's so exxpensiveeeeeeee plus, w...