
Showing posts from January, 2015


Hello guys, so today is January 20th and it's 22pm local time here and I've just done organizing little bit of my clothes and stuff that i brought here. I'm not in my home now, Im sleeping in somewhere else, not in my room. I writing this post, staying in a small hostel in a small country, a neighboor country of my own country, Indonesia right now, I'm here on Singapore. yeayyyy... this is the first time I travel not to having a vacation, not to having kind of conference or Model United Nations... what am I doing here is.... to Work, specificaly an internship opportunity to Indonesian Embassy here in Singapore. what am I do here? I will tell you later for the detail but first, I'll show you how's my two days look like :D dinner with Indonemie, best best best ! selfie tipis-tipis lah  a great selfie for the first day look first time ever visiting KBRI Singapura, early morning 8.00 am this is my very first lunch, and I got treated by...

cheers for a new year : 2015 !!

2015 is here. Its a new year and a fresh start for all of us. It seems like yesterday, the year 2014 is going on track. but all we know now is... we're already in 2015 this very moment. I'd like to thank God first for every single thing that happened in my life last year it was, zuppa duppa awesome! life changing, and never forget!! after this post id like to recap my year and writing down abt my memories, I know its bit too late for throwing back on this early start but yeahhh... I really didnt have much time to do it in the past so I probably do it next after this Okay, moving on. today is february 2nd it'sstill on the page 2 from 365. And I,already given by God with massive extravagant surprise. but my forecasts was true.... I had already predict it before. so, for you guys who guessing right now,you guys who-know-me-so-well,should probably know abt this one. YES! I created a mess Before I begin this blog post, I'd like to let you know that this is qui...