
Hello guys, so today is January 20th and it's 22pm local time here and I've just done organizing little bit of my clothes and stuff that i brought here. I'm not in my home now, Im sleeping in somewhere else, not in my room. I writing this post, staying in a small hostel in a small country, a neighboor country of my own country, Indonesia right now, I'm here on Singapore. yeayyyy... this is the first time I travel not to having a vacation, not to having kind of conference or Model United Nations... what am I doing here is.... to Work, specificaly an internship opportunity to Indonesian Embassy here in Singapore. what am I do here? I will tell you later for the detail but first, I'll show you how's my two days look like :D dinner with Indonemie, best best best ! selfie tipis-tipis lah a great selfie for the first day look first time ever visiting KBRI Singapura, early morning 8.00 am this is my very first lunch, and I got treated by...