Final season?

The end is in sight! the days is getting warmer. Nope, it's not summer time is going to come but it's the final season of my university life I've been in university for 3 years for now and that means.. I need to figure out my future will be I think everybody knows that I'm a super disorganized person. And I never stick to the plan I go where ever I want. Do what ever I want. University is never be my bestfriend I'm a rebel student, I guess. working and studying in one time. My GPA also never satisfied me except the last semester bhuahaha, That was the best so far :" It is the time to cram the books, which is I'm not sure I'll do it This is the time to spent the weekend in the library, browsing a different subject than what I usually do, time to plan, be discipline.. but still get fancy, yes baby it's haunting me duh, even just a bit. I still haven't be brave to took that class-- skripsi class I would took it next semester, that...