Missing Deteksi....

Today's Feb 9th Masih di pertengahan liburan semesterku, sebentar lagi aku semester 8!!! aaah kenapa cepet banget udah semester segini aja hehe and today I wanna talk about..... I miss my job very much. fyi, it's not the "working" or get a job like most people do, it is not that full time kind of job you might think about.. I haven't even graduate university, I'm taking a part time job, but surprisingly the task is considered as a full time job. It did taking majority of my time back then... It also consuming my quality times with my loved ones... But what can I do? I missing it now by the way.. semester lalu, waktu aku masih semester 7, I earn my own money, lumayan buat uang saku sehari-hari, lewat kerjaanku yang sangat menyenangkan itu tadi :) iya menyenangkan itu!!! Jam kerjanya saaaangat menyenangkan. hahaha, total lie... Jadi singkat cerita, aku dapet kerjaan di Deteksi Jawapos. Aku kerja selama kurang lebih 10/11 bulan, waktu aku semest...