Missing Deteksi....

Today's Feb 9th
Masih di pertengahan liburan semesterku, sebentar lagi aku semester 8!!! aaah kenapa cepet banget udah semester segini aja hehe
and today I wanna talk about..... I miss my job very much.
fyi, it's not the "working" or get a job like most people do, it is not that full time kind of job you might think about.. I haven't even graduate university, I'm taking a part time job, but surprisingly the task is considered as a full time job. It did taking majority of my time back then... It also consuming my quality times with my loved ones... But what can I do? I missing it now by the way..
semester lalu, waktu aku masih semester 7, I earn my own money, lumayan buat uang saku sehari-hari, lewat kerjaanku yang sangat menyenangkan itu tadi :) iya menyenangkan itu!!! Jam kerjanya saaaangat menyenangkan. hahaha, total lie...
Jadi singkat cerita, aku dapet kerjaan di Deteksi Jawapos. Aku kerja selama kurang lebih 10/11 bulan, waktu aku semester 6-7. btw, Deteksi, Anyone knows about it?

Kerja di deteksi itu lumayan, lumayan inspiring yet tiring hehehe...
Buat yang ngga ngerti deteksi, jadi deteksi itu salah satu rubrik di koran Jawa Pos ^^ isinya beragam, pokoknya apapun tentang anak muda. It gives you many inspirations and ideas from fashion industry for example, also latest music news, and even uncommon things that I'm sure you'll find it interesting to read *promosi*. Deteksi di kotaku, kantornya ada di graha pena, Ahmad yani Surabaya.. Jadi bisa kebayang kan, If you know where I live, rumah aku di deket-deket kenjeran situ aja, setiap harinya harus ke graha pena ya..... lumayan ya (?) But still, it's a pleasure to do hehehe

I used to be a surveyor lalu promoted jadi kuisioner. Seeeeruuu banget sumpah gaboong.
Aku suka banget waktu aku tugas jadi yg bikin kuesioner, basicaly, deteksi itu kan kerjaannya bikin dan ngelakuin polling, ke anak muda pastinya, nah untuk pembuatan kuesioner buat pollingnya itu sendiri, harus bener-bener fresh dan bukan bahasan yang udah mainstream gitu. We need to find every single teenage's confession and things going on in their daily life, we make it into a fresh and fun columns for every single teenager could possibly read .. *alah alah wkwkwk*

Selain itu, deteksi juga ngerjain beberapa event, mungkin yang sebagian kalian tau, DBL, DetCon, dan Anniversary nya deteksi juga ada eventnya. Super proud i've been running those events.
These are a few  things I've done.

Jagain Mading >,<

ini pas DBL... The stadium athmosphere though

Datang ke Mall super pagi sebelum buka

Ngurusin bocah-bocah syantek #RedADeteksiModel2k15

Dedek dedek endel tapi ngangenin <3

arranging photoshoot

Ma luvvv

Jadi babysitter >,<

Again, The athmosphere .....

rapat sampe pagi :")

get a change to met these awesome team,...

Uhmm kangen bangeeeet!
Dari yang pulang kuliah bahkan harus realin jadwal kuliah buat ngurusin kerjaan dan nyelesaiin deadline kerjaan sampek tengah malam, bahkan pagi! hehehe
Okay, I do miss the tight working schedules, sounds of people exhausted and complaining 'bout the tasks and deadlines, and obviously the team!!! They R Very awesome. It's a big pleasure buat ketemu mereka, anak-anak deteksi... yang super magical dan ajaib lah pokoknya haha miss 'em.
Anyway it seems like i'm a mature person already when it comes to this topic haha, remembering it makes me reminded of those feelin like i'm an responsible person and an independent person hahah, sounds exciting isnt it? I do... I do feel excited about it,

Uhmmm all I can say is, working at Deteksi is by far one of my best moments, ngga niat berlebihan tapi I will never regret that choice even thouh it's desperately exhausting :)))
Tapi, dengan aku kerja gitu emang ndampak banget sama kehidupan keseharian aku
family... friends... Aku bahkan ngatur waktu buat mereka cukup susah ditengah-tengah kerjaan di deteksi .. Now it's over anyway. I need to be focus on my new activities, I'm going to graduate university this year *If only I can make my final research project on time* hehe and after that,  I need to do everything on my own, being a real mature woman, i guess? haha oh I'm just hyperbolic.
I can't wait for it. ngga sabar LULUS :") Even though university life is very magical, I can't deny that times flies extremely fast and I'm getting older ...yeah.... Fighting !!

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