Grief and happiness.

 It's been almost a year since the last time I write in my blog. 2023 was a really hard year for me. Even until now. It's still burdened me. All the feelings, trauma.

But I know, that all of those is what made me who am I today. 

It's really hard to lost a parent. I lost my dad last year, the year of 2023.

I miss him a lot. I cry a lot. I dream a lot. About him. 

To be honest, it's really feel like I have no direction about what should I do in my life right after My Dad left me. It's really hard for me until I feel like I'm the most sad person around. It still hit me hard even until now. I really miss him a lot. 

I got thoughts like, why not my dad be here to greet his 2nd grandson, why, Oh God. and also all the grit "I should've call him more", "I should've go home more", "I should've pray more", etc...

In the middle of my grief, which I was not yet accepting everything that was happened, God gave me a huge blessing.

2 months after my Dad passed away, I gave birth to my 2nd son, Joshua.

I'm so happy for easy delivery (even though it was caesarean) but knowing I was diagnosed with acreta *another drama in my pregnancy, it was a huge blessing to gave birth Joshua with easy and good condition.

My water was broke on my 30th weeks of pregnancy. Leaving me with 10 more weeks to go, but it was opened. Not only dilated but it was reduced, a lot. My Stomach was shrunk I was told to stay in bed. 

I was told to do bed rest until I give birth. Well it was quiet a time, 10 more weeks to go... 

I was doing a bedrest for 3 weeks, on April 2023 until it was the time I got 33 weeks pregnant and My Obgyn told me that my water was not enough, so I have to do the C-Section procedure immediately.

God was great, Joshua was born premature but he was 100% healthy! God is good. Joshua was only 1,9 kg when he born. Being inside the NICU for 8 days and he was healthy. Thanks Jesus <3 

I think it was my update for today~ I write this post while waiting for the time to go home at 3.15 pm >,<

Thank you for reading my words, well see you later!


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