
Hey! I have my new semester in college this week. So, it's no longer holiday anymore. a new start, a new beginning, and a new commitment to be a great student. mmm I've stressed out because having those bad scores on my last semester. I've not studied as the best I can, and sadly, I regret it. I thought I would be great on university. but hell, I was not. It's simply beause, i just kept those bad old habbit stuck in my daily basis. And I've get bored. totally bored with this unproductive situation. I'm trying to change it from now. I know that I was always made a plan, a new resolution. but still did not work. I've trying so hard to re-organized my self. and hope this one will work. I need to more commitment. and discipline. I'm not a little girl anymore :' so it's time to reach, and pursue my dream..... anyway,Its raining today in my city, since morning, till this night. the rain even not stopping yet. mmm see ya!