summary- 1st week of feb

holla!! hey it's my 1st week and also my first post on february 2013 ;)
so, currently..

  • yup. COUNTING DOWN THE DAYS UNTIL YOUR BIRTHDAY MY DEAR BOYFRIEND ummm I love you sooomuch {} you're going to turn 19th!! {}
  • this week, I'm still on my holiday and I was travelling to Jogjakarta with my boyfriend, and his friends:D it was a huge fun. and a totally mess of money. because we travelling backpacker, and got a little bit tired. but most of all, it was my greatest quality time for this early year <3
  • I just get a big confession for setting my boyfriend birthday bash, surprise, and even his gift is havent set up. and his birthday is coming up! on this saturday oh goshhhh..
  • I just saw hansel and gretel, and les miserable. having a film marathon with my boyfriend:D (4/2/13) and I know it's kinda late haha but i just watched "friend with benefits" with my bestfriend nadya, yesterday haha<3
  • I'm obssesed to maroon5 - lady killer, fortune teller, and daylight. heey check out the video on youtube! daylight is amazing :}
  • I already got my almamater jacket!!! it was delayed and I'm happy to received it at least hoho<3
  • I got a huge upset and down feelings because I just got 3.08 on my last GPA. SO SAD:(
  • and the last, I'm busy to get my visa done. huhu
sooo, I think it's enough for this wednesday. I feel unwell today :$ wishing me to get a better condition tomorrow :" bye cupcakes {}

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