Hey there:) it's February 14th , and yup. Today is valentine day. And there is no big celebration here on my country, Indonesia. many of people even rejected it and believe that it's a part of westernization or else believe that val-day is bad influence. I don't know what excatly they think about this day but all I know about this day is a day of love, everyone had that love right, it's not dangerous, it's kind of-- reminding day for giving even more love to people around us, or being regardless to forgiving people and loving everybody gratefully .. so what to be arguing about. And let's move to the major topic, I just had a fight with my boyfriend tomorrow because of he got jealous with a friend of mine who I don't realy close enough. and have no feeling. it just empty haha but it was my fault for tweeting with him and replying using intense joking words. ummm absolutely that cute little incident make him mad. and he trying to less texting me and be more mean on the way he texted me. Ummm he always do that when he mad. but that's cute :3 and guess what? we going back and make peace today<3<3<3<3 awww and then we made a kiss<3 then we went to karaoke with his friends... now that I'm love him more. I know that this post isnt really important ha-ha but to remind myself that in this special day, I just got that peace and that love<3 especially from hin:) thxx beloved. you're my best gift. :*:*:*:* mwah (ima)

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