Are you sure eating that?

Sebagai teaser untuk awalan hari ini, basaaaah... 
Yay, basah. Hujan di pagi hari selalu jadi favorit. Terutama ketika aku nggak ada kelas pagi a.k.a libur, sumpah, syurga dunia ^^ Untuk hari ini, sebenernya masih banyak banget to do list aku. Tapi, sampai detik ini entah mengapa malasssss sekali untuk menginjakan kaki ke lantai dan pergi bersiap memulai hari.

Beberapa tahun lalu, aku inget, waktu masih SMA, hujan nggak hujan, ya gimanapun tetep harus berangkat ke sekolah, pantang mundur. hehe hari ini? ah nikmatnya hidup! Hari ini banyak banget yang harus di kerjain. biasanya, alasan mager itu banyak. dan sekarang, setelah aku bekerja justru semakin banyak hahahaha. Ditambah aku yang udah ngerasain capek yang datang silih berganti, ada free time dirumah, tidur deh sampek kelepasan. 

Pagi2 gini aku pingin ngomongin tentang criticism.
wahaha berat banget ya buat morning starter?
I wanna be honest, It happens to me. so, I just want to shot my opinion about this.
this is not  specifically addressed to someone, remember, it's just a random opinion hehehe. Hmmm okay,Id like to start with this

Yeah, my mama she told me "don't worry about your size"
She says, "Boys like a little more booty to hold at night"

I dont like people who judge. Hmmm, mending pikir2 dulu deh sebelum nge judge! jangan asal. nggak ada salahnya sih nge judge. Well, tapi yakin apa yg kamu judge emang asli kebenarannya? atau alih-alih emang iya kamu ngejudge tapi mikirin perasaan orang?

I don't wanna be naive, I do judging people sometimes. Pernah nggak sih nyadar kalo sekedar ngomong "kamu nggak pantes pakai baju ini,  pakai baju itu" atau "are you really eating that?" bisa berdampak lumayan.

apakah kalian sudah mencium bau2 clue nya? hehehe hal itu terjadi ke aku. It's not a form of bullying I guess. It's just a short jokes, but yeah. I'm not a person that is cannot be fooled itu a jokes, I definitely can accept that people joking on me, but in fact that it's talking about physical, sometimes, I can get tired of it.

For as long as I can remember, people usually upset and complaining about their body. other people usually also criticize them. It can be a good opinion, or simply just the one who eager you to feeling down. Because we value others opinions so much, others also have a huge impact on how we feel about ourself especially the ones who is really close to us. even a compliment can make us think more lovable when we look a certain way. Hmmm I dont blame people who criticize over body issues but I'm affraid theres also people who got pressure to fit in and look pretty. you guys who giving a citism, are not realize that by saying this degrading words, just make them degrading themshelf or commenting on their body, just hurting them also. so instead of giving a bad critism, lets invite them to accep their bodies with thinking before judging....

and this closing, is for specific person...
As you find a ways to reduce sarcasm, and judge how I fashion, I hope there will be better off we'll both be hahaha

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