GREAT today I'm exhausted again go to detcon in the afternoon and just got back to home now and guess? I'm not sleepy -___- today was a Saturday Night in mading I met a lion, and tori of course :) walked around the conv hall and I NEED MONEY money for eating and watching cinemas bytheway haha and that's all I have to do for the week ahead okay get ready for an exhausting week gotta sleep now. yeah I'm just Trying
Showing posts from 2010
thanks God it’s friday no more
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I’m tired all this day I see the match game on evening and we lose lots of weird things happened todayone of them was I got a poor grade on report card really unfortunate is my life today huh how can I say to my parents, huh? about the bad score?I could be kicked outta home and they doesn’t considered me as a child haha kidding and about the school , I was more often absent. the teacher was always angry so better I leave the class, right? idk how bout my score or the teacher mind of me. I never care bytheway ha-ha. life is fun right? but it’s just our way, to make it difficult or easy rite? ok, never mind bout the report card ima don’t get mad caused that one. we better think about it the other hug and kisses , bye :*
bad mood tingkat dewadewi
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heloo guys today was a thursdaay :D and nothing important at all yepyep there's no significant things happenned in my life just a standart activities with muchmuchmuch problem ¬_¬ yohoo i love to skipping many class met now i felt inlove to go to canteen and miss the class, without tell the teacher. what we call 'bolos' in english? IDK ha-ha ok. i was so in bad situations when i'm write this junk. bad-mood, bad-hair, bad-health, bad-eyes condition, i love to eat much now, it cn be 5 times for a day \(•Ë†⌣ˆ•)/ with a much rice and a big chicken or other, i realized tat now i'm grow bigger and wider at all wkw i dont care yeahh my school was so crazy now, much homework and killer test -___- deeply hate it but yeah don't get mad ima haha mmh I just finished my mading activities by the waay. and now i'm feeling soooo sleepy ha-ha ok let me sleep have a nice day to you and follow @imaimoy ha-ha smooch (˘⌣˘)ε˘`)
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tanggal hari ini bagus yah ima baca di twitter, orang2 pada heboh ama ini hari pada jadian kali atau apaan masa bododeh tapi buat ima? NOTHING yep. there's nothing special in my mind today except him sih tapi ya mau gimana ya ima udah nggapunya sapa2 sekarang tai dah mau dibikin gimanapun hati dan hari ini tetep nothing ya daripada bete mikirin yg bikin ngebetein , drpd sebel di otak cuma ada kamu dan daripada dongkol sm smua masalah yg ada, mending iseng posting aja dah haha maaf dulu deh ya kalo isi post ini gamutu abisnya bingungsih mau ngepost apaan hahaha sejujurnya ima gapunya bahan atau ide buat ngomong apa hari ini ima udah males dan capek ama yg namanya nyesek atau apalah, fuck (--_--) yg bikin ima bakal terkesan lebay dan sejenisnya ima akuin emang ima labil, labil banget bahkaan! masih childish dan nggabisa apa2 sapa cobaya yg mau akakak i'm free again ima sudah nyoba ngelupain di sekolah, ima punya banyak sahabat yg setia dan rela ngedengerin sm...
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helo everybody ah elaaaah ima hari ini tuh kacau balau deh pokoknya kagatau dah belibet gitu deh pokoknya, plan hari ini nih pada kagak kerencana semuaa mana pada badmood wuuu ndaacik yah malem ini , 22:24 (padahal si emes udah tereak2 dr depan pintu nyuruh aku bobok tetep aja nongkrong dpn komputer) yah jadinye ya, ima ini hari tuh jable ceman ceman haha jable apaan ya bukan jable perek gitu helooou ima kangen inbox ima yg gapernah sepi kaya dulu :"( isinya tuh ya tori , trus keisi aulia duh elah kenapa jadi kangen pacaran ya^^ heran deh ama diri sendiri jugak, LABILnya kagak nahaaan! oh ya, kemajuan nih, IMA UDAH NGGAK NYESEK NANGISIN TORI 3 HARI TERAKHIR yihaaaaaa wkwkwk pongo norak banget yak tapi puji syukur juga deh bekurang kadar 'bego' yg ima punya oh ya tadi sore tuh badmooood nya amit2an deh haha ima sampe gakjadi tuh ke bukit mas buat ngrjain mading, (padahal udah janjian) gara2nya, telat ngumpul woooo bitch X_X kan ima di sekolah tuh , un...
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jujur ya malem ini bener2 boring banget haaaaaas seharian ini deh kerjaan cuma NANGIS dan bersedih. yep nangis doang serah deh orang yg tau pada bilang aku labil, cengeng or what aku bener2 gapaham nih gini gitu salah keinget waktu dulu kamu brengsek udah meso2 tetep aja aku bener-bener ga bisa move on aku ngerasa bener-bener rapuh km gendong aku cuma brp detik doang km ga bs lama2 soalnya keberatan hahaha kangen waktu pertama kita pdkt dulu km salting bgt liat aku. dan kita duduk sebelahan. aku ngelihatin km maen poker hha kangen semuanya pas kita pertama chat km ngmg pasti ada "hahahahaha" nya mulu. trus kamu selalu gemes pas ngeliat aku dan waktu dikomplek, kita sok2an nggak kenal hhi. tau2 kamu telfon nyuruh aku jalan ke halte smala trus ngajakin pulang bareng :') aku kangen bgt juga waktu kamu nasehatin aku satu topik bs sampe sejam debatnya tor dan kamu ngajakin aku kerumah sakit beliin obat buat ayahmu hahaha jauh ya trus masak kita sampe ke citraland keh...
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hello baby :*good afternoon, you all have a good day , dont ya? and how am I? today was a one of desperates day in my life but yeah i must be give ma thanks to God for still give some ‘breath’ to my fucking life. thanks God for all you grace today, i love you God:* and mm i wanna tell you that today I miss that boy guys. that boy . guess who! my ex , tori. did you ever heard bout that nice boy? i love him so much. i did. but now? i don’t know he make me feel blue everyday without him I feel like a fool now. a jerk! can’t forget a boy and stuck on it i’m stuck on his era oh am i really did? or that’s just my feel? and simply he did. he hurt me on the past , however i love him. even though i cry cry everyday , day by day till now mmh i think my feel is still the same. mm really? i don’t even care. so did him! Okay, i miss him guys. just wanna say that. I fell like i’m never ready to let him go oh poor me i’ve got everything’s change without hi...
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HOW IT HAPPENED TO ME, HIM AND HER how it began :/ let me think mm It began one day on July about one months ago. I knew about a boy. a cute-nice-handsome-adorable:* boy. *hope you do not read this named AULIA :) I let myself know him. Too fast I think, but I fell inlove with him and he also did. I met him for the first time @ balai pemuda He seems so nice:D he looks pretty adorable. And I fell inlove deeply on that time. Guess what, He simply told me about his feeling on the next day. Then I say yes. and we get along only for 23 days. and that was my fault . remembered about my ex-boyfr and let him in, into my life again. my aulia know that, then he got mad. he decide to separate our relationship :( On the thay after we broke up, I realize that I didn't need my old man. Aulia's better than the others. Okay then, that was only my past.He's already say NO for keeping me as his girl again. I'M SO DUMB. so stupid. and I fall down almost dead for hear...
this is the other old man ha-ha
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GUESS THIS CAN YOU GUESS WHO IS THAT BOY ? HA-HA M. AULIA PURWAJUNI check these out itu waktu pertama2 kita pacaran hihi polos amat em kalo yg diatas ini kita udah tengah2 pacaran hhi that was cute, funny or what? haha how happy am I read that haha youre so funny baby AND HERE THEY ARE, THE SWEETEST TEXT I'VE EVER EARNED FROM A BOY :* AND NOW HE'S GONE :')
ho li day
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hello hello baby :* how do ya do everybody wish all of you got a great day, an awesome holiday i have no plan for today yes maybe just post anything in my lil blog :3 hmm many things happened to me my life my self, my friend, everythings everythings' change im just not stay in my old world begin the new big world haha and it need much of my responsibility well hell . I WAS REALLY ADORE THIS MONTH and mm why I adore this month the nice answer was because i've learned much in this month THANKS GOD FOR EVERYTHING I pass many things, which changed my life I lost something, I get something :) haha bingung ya kalian pada? SAMA tauk deh udah kriyep2 nih bobo dulu ah love you all :)
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hello brada and sista where ever you are -__- you know ? lagi sedih ima nyaaa !! oooh gosh let me tell you babi deh ima diputusin , masa? and the fact is , that's all caused by my fault . HELL dan kesalahan itu sebenernya cuma accident dia ngga tau dia cuma nggatau!! --tenang ya im----- KAMU SELALU MEMIKIRKAN KESALAHANKU oh come on boooy ! #so hurt kamu lihat isi hati aku napa sih? pernah ada orang lain? pernah aku ngeduain? atau main main? HEY I'M TOTTALY SERIOUS !! sebenernya ya ima nggamau terlihat BEGGAR kaya gini tapi mendingan nggak usah tell a lie deh ya aku belum siap kamu putusin ngga pernah siap kamu itu aashhh perfect boy kali ya? not judge you by the outside way but simply looking at your inside !! hey , kamu yg ngga bolehin aku keluar malam :D kamu yg gabolehin aku pake baju kebuka :') kamu yg gabolehin aku pulang telat kamu yg gabolehin aku kumpul di tempat cowo kamu yg selalu marah ketia aku blah blah blah banyak deh dan lainya ! DULU kamu mau ng...
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haaaaai ! lagi lagi lama ima nggak ngepost lagi yah kangen deh ! ima udah mau UAS ! wow takut deeh doain aja yah ima bisa masuk IPA amin amin amin :) oh iya apa kabar kalian semua teman teman? sudah 3 hari saya sakit dan sudah 3 hari aku panas - dingin - panas - dingin ngeri ! pusingnya kaga nahaaaaan pula .. arrrg doain ima cepet sembuh ya ntar kalo udah sembuh dan kelas UAS ima bakalan sering2 update posting deeeh oke gitu aja kali yaa sudah mulai pusing ini haha kasihan banget guee bye :*
love story
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HELOOOOOOOU :D sepertinya sudah cukup lama saya tidak membuka blog milik saya ini hhi :) kangen deh posting everything not important haha salah deh , kadang 2 important jugaaaa (: okay now what ? i'd like to tell you about my ordinary love story first . something happen and so wrong kejadiannya sudah lumayan lama entah kapan dimulai saya merasakan keganjilan2 di hubungan kita berduaaaa but, mmm hari rebo kemarinn , puncaknyaaa semakin ganjil . dan pada saat itu aku juga sedang melakukan sebuah kesalahann yeah --' saya jalan2 dengan teman saya . perempuan dan laki laki. sebenarnya aku gaktau apa yang bikin dia semakin ganjil . setelah aku pulang dari jalan jalan , dia marah marah. ngediamin aku seharian lil hurt aku sampe nelfon2 dan sms sodaranyaaa *maaf ya* hhi sampai pada kemarin malam. hari jumat . aku gak kuasa nahan semua rasa penasaranku selama iniii men yasudaaa singkatnya aku ngirim sms panjang lebar kediaa sebenernya dibelakang sem...
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heloooooooooo ladies and gent :D how are you ? it's nice to see you in my first day of my short holiday why to short? i don't know it's just take 7 days anyway it means one week let's talk about ummm okay let's see "let me think what did I do this day, huh?" an this is the answer first, get up after 7 o'clock then use the computer yes yes watch the tv a long long time yeaaaaah after that read many magazines, cool . didn't help clean the room . just look up my granny sweep the floor (sorry granny) hhi then what about make my bed in the morning and wash or dry the dishes ? of course NOT okay finally, introduce i am the lazy girl :D (ga jelas banget sih) haha night all *jangan ditiru yah, berbahaya* byeeee muah muah muah
halo halo
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hello my brader en sister haha alay gue selamat malam yaaaah :D lagi gaktau nih mau ngapain *iseng iseng buka blog* kabar ima baek , kabar ibuk bapak juga baek hhi kabar cowokknya ima juga baek :D PUJI TUHAN :) oh ya besok kita berdua (saya dan pacar saya) hhi dua bulan loooh senengnyaaa meskipun sepertinya juga bukan tepat tanggal itu kami jadian tapi , dia bilang sih, tanggal itu kita ketemuu hhi up to you lah yangg :DD seneng seneng seneng rasanyaaa :) yasudah deh itu aja (hehe gak penting banget ya) dadaaaaaaaaaaa
#now playing : glenn fredly - youre my everything
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Cruising when the sun goes down Across the sea Searching for Something inside of me I will find all the lost pieces Heart will feel Deep and real I was blind but now i see Yeah… You`re the one Yeah… I can`t live without u Take me to your place Where our hearts belong together I will follow you Cause you`re the reason that i breathe I`ll come running to you Feel me with your love forever Promise you one thing I will never let you go Cause you are my everything
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oh mygoodnes :~ ima lagi naksir berat sama si ganteng logan lerman niiiih masaalaaaaah ini cowo ganteng bener hhi oh iya ima barusan juga browsing loooo ini dia dapet artikel, lumayan lah gak penting2 banget tapi yaaa namanya juga lagi naksir hhi Biography for Logan Lerman Date of Birth 19 January 1992, Beverly Hills, California, USA Birth Name Logan Wade Lerman Height 5' 8" (1.73 m) Mini Biography Born and raised in Beverly Hills, Logan Lerman wanted to become an actor at an early age. So he told his mother of his desire to be an actor when he was 2 1/2 years old. At the age of 4, Logan had an agent and was booked for two commercials. His first appearance on the big screen was as William, the youngest son of Mel Gibson's character in The Patriot (2000). Also in 2000, he appeared with the same actor (Gibson), this time as the younger version of his character Nick Marshall, in What Women Want (2000). After a small role in 2001's Riding in Cars wi...
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hey there guys ! its a long long time since the last time i open my blog :) and this night hell yeah (once again) aku sama dia berantem oh hellhole-- oh iya sih belum pada tauu kenapa :) jadi si ima suda punya pacar niiih :) anaknya baeeeeek banget i'm really proud of him he's simply ate my heart -- itu yg selalu aku omongin :DD hmmm to the pointnya aja yaa aku gak tau kenapa hari ini dia-bener-bener marah sama akuu biasanya juga gitu sihh tapi bertepatan dengan saya sedang pms yeahh why do this mad tragedy happen in the wrong condition (ngaco lagi gue) oke, lanjut ke ceritanyaaa sudah kecerita tadi dia bener bener marah how come ? yupp you all should ask why that's just a simply reason : saya ol fb dan LAMA ? WHAT ? yes tht's why he's GOING MAD tadi saya sudah mencoba sms diaa alhasiil , dia tetep maraaah kenapa yaaa ? gataaauu deh semoga besok bisa baikan ya saudarasaudaraa yes i'm really hope so :DD okay then , to ...
haha baru inget password :)
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darii :) cukup lama saya tidak membuka blog sayaa ini--' yang emang tujuan bikin blog ini cuma sekedar punya dan buat ga pernah dibukaa. hhm berarti buat apa punya blog yaaah , aku lama gabukaa juga ada alasannya kook :D hhe LUPA PASSWORD ! hellyeah mungkin kata temenku"lho lak mesti" -- sudah lama aku gg nulis nulis lagi tapi dari dulu tulisanku sih gg ada yang jelas . haha ohya aku ini juga habis pulang-- dari kegiatan di sekolahku yg disebuuut'retreat' yah, itu kegiatannya umat kristianiii boy okelah . cuma mau ngabarin saya sudah ingat password blog saya ini HALLELUYAH :* haha selamat malam teman teman :*