heloooooooooo ladies and gent :D
how are you ?
 it's nice to see you in my first day of my short holiday
why to short?
i don't know
it's just take 7 days anyway
it means one week

let's talk about ummm
okay let's see

"let me think what did I do this day, huh?"

an this is the answer

first, get up after 7 o'clock

then use the computer yes yes

watch the tv a long long time yeaaaaah

after that read many magazines, cool .

didn't help clean the room . just look up my granny sweep the floor (sorry granny) hhi

then what about make my bed in the morning and wash or dry the dishes ?
of course NOT

okay finally,

introduce  i am the lazy girl :D

(ga jelas banget sih) haha

night all
*jangan ditiru yah, berbahaya*

byeeee muah muah muah


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