I met him at a place in my town called menyeng. 
He seemed like an interesting man.
kinda of kind man.
We were seating next to each other and say Hi,
he introduce himself to me and shake my hand
and well, He's so kind. his name is singo, means lion. at the first time we talked i didn't believe if singo is his real name. but that's his nickname anyway :)

2nd met, It was on music concert. just saw him. and text him. didn't talk to him and I was with my friends, so did him.

3rd met, I saw him, at menyeng, same as 1st met. just say hello to him and go home. nothing special. on that time, I still can't move on anyway. still hoping if me and my ex could back together. After this we became friends on facebook and talked on ym.

4th met, still on the same place, we were texting. my friends start yelled me and tell him that I like him. but that's wasnt work. of course he didn't believe. we was just met 3 times and do that things can grow as fast as that? he thought that we were joking.

fifth, indiecloth surabaya.
I was clothes shopping and he came to.
well, in this time nothing different. we still friends. but I started to interested with him. Idk from what way, that's only what I feel. but I'm not sure with what I feel, My ex still haunted me anyway.

but to be honest, I didn’t really tell people about it at first. I started thinking of him. often, but I don't know what kind of feel that I felt. I was interested in him the whole time. I couldn’t help myself. But I never dared to tell him how I felt. I was convinced that he just wanted us to be friends. only friends. just info, his ex is my friends too, so I get a little shy, and confuse.

6th, PTC. I was on the detcon and met him sittin at his corner, sweet. and we start talked. I never thought that we will going to be together. going to be like this. but who knows? slowly I start liking him. deeply.
we met and walked around together ate icecream and snack we planned to met again and watch movie.

so we did, on the 7th met
he pick me up from home. we walking around then we saw skyline
he told me what about his daily, we smile, we laughed, that was nice. and I like him. deeply.

after that, we are increasingly being met,
and then, I was like him more.
I kept thinking of him.
I’m meant to be with this person, 
I know how silly it may sound
That’s just the way it is. 
I was acting silly,I was imagining that maybe we can be get along, but I thought that It'll be never happen. most of all because I was so afraid, 
So I never told him, just kept getting extremely happy every time I saw him:)
But I have little confuse inside my head
EX, or this newbie:)) haha
We go out more often
and all the time I spare my time with him, I found that happiness and I like to be around him.
I started to love him.
I like the way he fooling around, telling me jokes and his cute eyes. I like them:)
his voice, his smell, our memories, just made me felt inlove.
The next weekend was great, really. The conversations we had. They really changed a lot. It seemed like serious and I can't helped my self, I have no idea what to say anymore.I told him what I feel. I said 'i like you' and he's didn't say anything. maybe shocked and Idk.

and there we go, desember 9th 2010 
we made it,
He owns me at 23:00 :)
I love him
till now. I love being inlove with him.
I love to be his own.
I used to cry by boy but I don't do it when I with him. he give me smile :) huge smile 
He guard me with his fool freaky way. we've get along for 2 months Those days contained more smiles and many quality times.
we never got mad each other but miss him every day.
I think about him everyday
want to be around him everytime. everyday with him, everyday I'm learning
I won't let him go.
He make me feel so special.
And he's so special to me.And every time I look at him, it's like the first time
I feel like I'm up so high, everytime I wake up in the morning,
immediately I think of him
I dream of him last night. that's happen often.
I love him, so damn bad.
just be with me Mochamad rizky :)
He's the best thing that's ever been mine
I don't know how long this will last, but i hope i dnt loose you over
what ever it is


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