Young and energetic, we're teenagers and we're young
we're free!
we deserve to feel it
but... when we feel inlove, when we have a kind of relationship
there is a lil bit dfferent about the word means 'free'
well, as we all know ppl, we're inlove to someone special, someone whom we will sacrifice everything to make him happy:)

we are happy whenever we are with them, but there are several times when we feels the bad dreams come true. bad time together, hate, doubt, miss, and others, and what am I feeling right now is, guess what ppl! I'm jealous: ')

Ughh why why why why why why whhhhhyyyy
why should I be to be a girl who was very weak, very fragile, prone to crying!!

I need some medicine to keep me out from crying

God help me, 
help me out of my habit,not to cry, and without feeling less confident;(
thos feeling, jst made dying, I'm so sick of dis pain

jelaousing for something not important, oh please it's really childish
what should we do if it had happened, how we can feel happiness without those challenge

and why in a relationship there is always a temptation.
what sud I do? patient? or accept the situation for what it is?

okay, let me explain.
how would you feel if you having a relationship, a relationship which truly based on a love

you extremely loving him and so do him
but when you loving each other
there are some big problm that appear
it's a easy ploblem
yes, indeed all people feel that
then what is the matter?

if it's too often ... yes of course it'll give the bad influence to me
I am weak and fragile, anyway
I'm sensitive

I want attention from him, all of his attention

but this time I was careless
I really such a dumb
when I'm tired of all this,
about all the existing bad days
I became lazy and tired cause of this condition
I'm treat differently to him, I treat him not as usual

yes, I did. Im not tell him what I feel now
and that's what make him confused
This is l to be explained

okay I'm tired of the conditions with our debate and other ppl disturbances
I want us to start again, with more trusting each other

I want to build this pain of my heart
because I love you just too much, awww can't describe it.
and I will not let anyone take you
I want to be yours forever
so, keep your heart for me
let me be your soulmate one day and im the only one Who Will Spend my entire life to be with you. only you

I love you too much

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