
jujur aku nggak pinter nulis, tapi ya cobalah baca hahaha
maybe little boring orrrrr puancet ae iki topike galau melulu
well, kenapa ya hari ini nyesek banget
banget bangetan malah
bukan cuman untuk digoreskan jadi sebuah cerita
tapi buat dibayangin aja udah beraaaaaaat banget

apasih? kayaknya lebay banget!
yuuupp hehe semua orang bakal lebay, umm  not always sih
but for those people who love their couple deeply, they'll obviously hurt and become soo nuts for cryin and screamin crazily when they're break out haha apaansih ribet banget

oke kalo lagi putus bawaanya galau? ya bagi sebagian orang sih, it might sound yees.
that's what i feel right now ladieees 
mygooood i wish i can get back togetherrrr quickly
i've made a problem
really big humiliating shame
today im on my break time  relationship
he gimme chance but if i agree for not keeping him up
you know? not hanging up together and no text no calls no meeting for a couple of days?
 he want me to realize what i've done and to mature myself
i missing him a lot already
shame on me :(

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