
goodmorning pals!!!;)
heyyy.. it's tuesday right? i alwaaaays loves tuesday :D 
anyway, I just woke up haha. it's a holiday isn't it?
and i have no to-do list today... 
a friend of my mom just came from singapore and give me this last night, so thankyou aunt! it's so greeeaaatXD

Yesterday, I found a national geographic magazine with an issue about egypts animal mummies november 2009 edition and I know it's to old looong time ago for 5 years maybe but it's so interesting (in my opinion). I'm inlove with page one. it's a campaign advertising article, from IBM. 
I just started to read it and I will share it for you ;)

A mandate for change
is a mandate for smart.
Our political leaders are not the only ones who have been handed
a mandate for change. Leaders of businesses and institutions 
everywhere have a unique opportunity to transform the way the 
world works.
We find ourselves at this moment because the crisis in our financial 
markets has jolted us awake. We are seriously focused now on 
the nature and dangers of highly complex global systems. And 
this isn’t our first such jolt. Indeed, the first decade of the twenty- 
first century has been a series of wake-up calls with a single 
theme: the reality of global integration.
The problems of global climate change and energy, global supply 
chains for food and medicine, new security concerns ranging 
from identity theft to terrorism — all issues of a hyperconnected 
world — have surfaced since the start of this decade.
The world continues to get “smaller” and “flatter.” But we see now that 
being connected isn’t enough. Fortunately, something else is 
happening that holds new potential: the planet is becoming smarter.
That is, intelligence is being infused into the way the world literally 
works — into the systems, processes and infrastructure that enable 
physical goods to be developed, manufactured, bought and sold. 
That allow services to be delivered. That facilitate the movement 
of everything from money and oil to water and electrons. And that 
help billions of people work and live.

anddddd I recently was reading this book anyway;) 

Theory Talks
by Peer Schouchen

"studi HI masih menunjukan keberagaman. fenomena HI dalam dunia yang kompleks menjadi bisa dipahami oleh yang berminat memahaminya. sebagai warga dunia yang semakin suti untuk saling mengelak tetapi juga semakin sulit untuk bersepakat, seharusnya kita semua berusaha memahami sehingga mengenali dilema yang dihadapi dan mencari jalan keluar dari persoalan dilematik itu." - PEER SCHOUTEN ;)

selamatpagi&terimakasih :3

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