

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
Martin Luther King, Jr. 

The world that we live today is a world that giving a big possibility for us to interact with various cultural and background citizens. In our era now, globalization and many process that grown and increasing each year, has changed the society and another areas of life. From national to global, world diversity will be spread around continuelly and make the earth more multicultural. nowadays the mixing of these cultures has not necessarily led to respect for other cultures or the tolerance among people of diverse background. like Luther King had stressed that racism is the American problem, and so is the world. This problem is not only owned by America. Many part of the world is still traped in the same problem, that is racism. Even the revolution in many part of the world had reached and give a great result. We still can see even with our eyes open that the racism is out there spreading. We can’t get along with this brutal anymore. Michael Jackson’s song which is titled Heal the World, said that we need to make a better place for everybody and the entire human race. Yes we do. We definitely need to make this earth a better place. For our future peace, future dreams, and become a better citizen of the world. And at least lets start from now. As the children of the world,  we need to know that the world is beautiful because of its diversity, we must to rise the justice, the tolerance, the behaviour and materials we needed to face the diversity. Just start it from a little thing: Ourself.

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