Great Deal by FDR
“I pledge you, I
pledge myself, to a new deal for the American people”
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
the example of his fifth cousin, President Theodore Roosevelt, whom he greatly
admired, Franklin D. Roosevelt entered public service through politics; He was
elected President in November 1932, to the first of four terms. This quote was
spoken by FDR in his captivating, mellifluous voice, to a nation that had
suffered three years of devastating depression, the words new deal sounded very good. The Republican candidate, Herbert
Hoover, didn’t have a chance.
this case of presidential election, FDR was an incumbent candidate. The
incumbent candidate in politics is the existing holder of a political office.
This term is usually used in reference to elections, in which races can often
be defined as being between an incumbent and non-incumbent.
campaigned hard, but he didn’t have to. People wanted a change the election was
a landslide. Forty-two of forty eight states went democratic. The ideas of
FDR’s campaign “new deal”, were firmly in the American tradition. They were based on progressive ideas: on
opposition to monopoly; on a belief that government should help regulate the
economy; and on conviction that no one wants to be poor and most poverty is the
result to social problems. The New Deal’s methods were very experimental; some
work, some didn’t. Those are was the example of the creativity and the genius
that work in a campaign from an incumbent candidate.
Hakim, J.
(1999). History of US: War, Peace,and All That Jazz. In J. Hakim. New York:
Oxford University Press.