Life is not a easy matter for everyone. from the beginning, we all have sins. sins that can't be erased even we're working sooo hard, cause it's all humanly. Life is not a like an ice in a sliding board, that can go so fast, easily, without obstacles. this is what stuck in my mind recently, I just can't get over of my problems that already passed even more than one year.those traumas  are still surrounding my brain, even I've trying soooo hard to forget it.

but I know, we must get over things that not making us better. sooner or later we will grow up, life must goes on dude. and I'm, a little piece of God's creatures, is still cannot pursue that. I'm worrying, but God has tell me in one of His verses "Don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today" I've have known it! But it's so hard to get over a bitter feel of this.

this fear is still haunted me :( Have nobody to tell cause I know I'm such a dumb to let this feeling going on until right now. I just can't figure it out why. I'm not typical of a girl that easy to forget about things that hurt me. If it's my friends' fault, gosh you gonna be admit that I never get mad to anyone for a long period. But what we talk about is, when somebody, torn me, in my love life, when I get sooooo broken with. And it's just happened once for whole my life. by 1 person. a girl!!!everybody who know me well must be know what I talk about hahaha. but I'll tell you, it's different.let me tell you a story. But first, no offense okay, i'm not gonna describe any one on this little mysterious story as an antagonist or protagonist wkwkwk

so, once upon a time, ->
in July last year, I just broke up with my boyfriend. and somebody come up and want to take my boyfriend's attention, she's way so far to make it happen, she use all the opportunities including my boyf's family, they got closer, and BOOM! this feeling and this fear, of that kind of things will be continue is still freakin me out.
that's not mean that I hate that girl, or even scared with her,
ALL THAT MATTERS IS I'M AFRAID OF THIS KIND OF THINGS WILL HAPPEN AGAIN AND IM LOSING MY BOYFRIEND.But I believe, my boyfriend is the one who not get easily attracted, the one who can make me feel completely better when I'm with him.

I can swear to you, that this is not an usual kind of things that two girl scrambling each other of one man, but it just kinda like, hahaha I never ever get so broken as it was.
and I want to make a promise, this is the last time I think about it, I worry about it, because of a little thought that stuck on my mind this afternoon. I NEED TO LAY DOWN MY FEAR. I mean, Right Now!!
This fear has overtake my feeling, everytime I get far away from my boyfriend, everytime we dont meet for a long period, every time i remembering that times, I know, I am the one who so stupid.
I let one person ruin my (not life) just little piece of my heart, that haven't fix yet.
so sad isnt it? gimme a hug please :">

I have being so dumb to let this fear creep on my thoughts.
But we as human must know,
And I'm so glad that I share it to my bloggie right now, xoxoxoxo
at least it not kept deep down inside my heart.
and now, I must to say : let it go, BREATH, DON'T WORRY child !!!!! :> and everything's gonna be okay.
I can tell you my relationship with my boyfriend is getting better, I mean, We are in a LDR -Long Distance Relationship- BUT WE CAN MAKE IT!!!!!
can you believe a little over-think person like me can be not possesive anymore?
so give me a standin ovation guys!!! hahaha
aaaaa missin him sooooo much right now :"
and that's it, a little thought that stuck on my mind this evening. I'm glad i write it down, I just feel better, and more positive :") wish this will be last and those broken pieces can fixed by the time goes. just stay true !! :")

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