A Pout

Sometimes I don't understand what people feel. I sometimes think they're complicated. especially grownups.
Do I grown up? don't think so.
life is so full of different issues and events. some are bad, some are good. But usually, those are what make us what we are today.
And I think we are all learning. This is what shaped us right now, what we must to do is all that we doing now, learning through socializing.
I've been through a huge matter these days. its attract me, in deep emotion. and I know I'm talking it a lot and it's maybe too hard to figure out what's a specific issue behind it. I'm really can tell you this is my exactly condition right now: Need help. I've been spent my minutes on a good cry. A good cry that even too cheap to pay every mins I throw away to think about those miserable stuffs.
so okay, just a little pout and grumble about how am I going.
i'm fine. and I hope I will always be :')