January, 16 2014

Yeaaaaah, my finals is officially over guys
can you look into my eyes? its blink so bad, showing that I'm really relief for having this shit done.
hmmm pretty much grateful for this semester finals. even though I'm not that completely sure that I done it well.
I have big fear actually, if only my work was wrong, I'm not that smart. And you know, I'm a lazy kind of pity girl.
I having so many spare times lately. I've got my keyboard back which my friend were borrow it and it just came back
I'm pretty much playing my keyboard lately. and theeen, I really having a nice bedroom, great wifi, hahaha which makes me finished watching me favorite showwwww which is carrie diaries until it latest episode...
I can barely wait for the next episode. carrie and sebastian are a lover !! theyre so cute omg
I wanna be like them.. sebastian is just too cute
and anyway, I have a health problem this week. I'm not feeling well. Do you know what kind of disease is when you feeling like want to throw up everytime you finished eating.
I do vomit about 4 times this week, after my meal. and the rest, I'm holding my vomit
and yesterday I felt reallyyyyy bad because I was eating a chilli, and the suddenly I throw up, the spicy feels along my ear, my nose, my mouth. it's all spicy like there was fire on it
I can tell you it felt really bad...... and please I dont want to dieee
I'm afraid that this is a serious disease since the serious diseases are not showing much serious sign
but ..... I know I think too much so, get over it....hmmm bytheway I was filming my classic guitar play just now...
I was bored and I looking for something fun.... all of the sudden, I choose my guitar... huuu I can sum up that's bcs my boyfriend was not show up >,< 

well, this is it



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