Keep Moving Forward --->

So many times in my life I spent to read about some helpful tips, some great quotes, write down about my resolutions, or even try to make a to do list of what I want to do.
Those bucket list are a view of my project to become more happier, more discipline in life.
A long dull holiday like this can lead me into some unproductive phase. Like once I told you in some other of my post. I'm just a teenager, and common teenager problem is to be lazy.
I got my GPA result lately, and it was not a surprise
I'm happy if it's getting better than the last semester, but I'm also sad that it was not the score that I expected to. I do what I can do this past semster, and I didn't got what I want. It's used to happen in my life, those failings. It's just like I already work hard, but not pay off. It's okay anyway, I'm okay :")

I'm not acclaimed my life as a miserable one, but I do practically feel that it hasn't reach it's fullest yet.
 I think everybody used to think about it. And anyway, I'm not telling you that I'm not grateful for everything that happened in my life, but contrary, I'm so happy with it. It's all my adventure :D
Many people are trying so hard to do whatever they can just to be a better one. It's good, It's part of our human nature to reflect our self. It's even more good if we're not grieving for what we got now. We can make our self to just be grateful. They usually try to reflect upon our own life and happiness.

Out there, Too many people are busy to arrange their dream, but there is other trying to just get along with what they facing to their life. There was someone who always being a champ, imagining their future are usually just like across the hill. like it's easy to do. because of they natural habitat have set them that way.
For example, people who rich, can easily afford them self go to college in UK. even they're not as smart as  the other who are not rich, they can go to college that prestigious. it's a promising future in my country, Indonesia.

people like me, need to work hard in order to pursue my dream
it's not as easy like a magic, or like the leaves in the tree can suddenly become my money so I can do whatever I want. I don't give a shit of my GPA are not like what I expected, but I'm happy,
It's a lesson for me, to keep moving forward :) Anyway, being in this University is already a great blessing for me. So nothing I need to grieving off
And...... for the sum up of all these random things that stuck on my head......
I  need to work hard more;)
and once I have a great intention to do something,
one I can tell to my self is, just start doing it. Take the first stop, start chasing it.
and be brave to start it. we will never know if we never try :)

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