OK--- I decided.

Hi...... apa kabar semuanya. How are you?
cukup lama ngga nulis di blogku:* hehe, walau gak lama2 banget juga sih ya. jadi ini ceritanya barusan aja aku selesai ngerjain tugas, terusan buntu, akhirnya I decide to intip intip blog ku yang berujung dengan ruweh sama isinya yang alay semuanya. maafkan aku ya sama kelabilan postinganku selama ini yang terribly annoying. I know that nobody will read it but if its any...... Im so sorry wkwkwk ok, move on.

lately, waktu berasa cepet banget bergulirnya di hidup aku. why? karena fenomena yang terjadi belakangan ini itu sungguh2 yang tak terduga. bisa kejadian juga. and that event was..... get ready deh. Its so specta, (sok2an banget ya) cant even imagined (by myself kok). and...... just try to guess.... it might be a little bit privacy..... but I explicitly want to declare that I over him. and its time for me to moving on with my life. and for not an instant way, aku udah sama yang lain. hehehe peace yo!

hmmmm when is it exactly? actually itu udah lama sih, about a month and a half. I know, that it's shocking everybody hahahahah but what else can I do? I've decided. I have to do it. and I'll never regret :)

for a long time I've know that we're on our own way. even when we got more apart, I tried and tried so hard to still hold on, but again, there is so much external factors that i cant really avoid on.
my family, my self. not burdened me that much, but I started to think about my future.
how is it can be, the fact that we are different (our belief is). its a big thing for me. its been going on for a long time, I realize that we cant ever going on into serious kind of thing.
I know that I was all over him . everyone know us...... A great nice relationship that we had. thank you for those memories.
a three years old relationship, or even more, the more you're losing your concern on us, I feel easier to break it up. and the moment is so perfect. I'm so sorry, for driving us into this condition.

the truth about forever in us, is no more.
I know now, that we deserve to be happy. and I know, that it's not on us.
I've realized.
and thank you for everything :)

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