Hei March! and meowww :3

Hey there you guys, how's life?
it's been an amazing life for me lately, I've been doing good so far. for 2015, it's been a stable month, having no big waves crushing me like the old times. I love my crazy life, the one that have so many bumpy and danger roads to be walked... but sometimes, this chill-full moment is just the only I want and needed at the very moment.
A new semester in my university life anyway. And yes, I'm on my 3rd year, and my 4th year is just in the corner, next semester. and this time, I need to starting to think about my final projects for Indonesian college student, damn right. My skripsi. It's not that obvious skripsi need to be done and do but from now on, I need to take care of it little by little.

andddd, talking about my life, it's really no harm to talk about my kitty right?
I think, I never mention him, ever, in my blog post.
so now let me, introducing my one and only cutest and warmie-little-furry-doll-baby OKKK ;)

I know right? he's too cute !!
  and His name is,,, Garong!!!! originally is Zuma Garong.. He's 3 years old little tabby cat.
hey you, cutie pie hahahaha. I only have one cat in my life right now... and another one actually but not living here with me ^^V
Back to Garong, talking about this cat... It's a common heard by people around me kalo seketika aku pasti berubah ngomongnya kalo ada si mpus ini muncul didepan mata.
Bagi para pecinta kucing lainnya, I'm pretty sure that you'll do that too, aren't you? ;;)
and the shocking surprise is,, even my family love him. Bapakku, yang ngga seberapa oke dan mengiyakan ketika dulu aku mau punya peliharaan, eh sekarang malah jadi bos-nya si pus. yang pastinya kalo bapak kesini atau kesana, diikutin sama si kucing emesin ini satu.
Warnanya tabby, he is half anggora and half Siamese kind of cat here on Indonesian taxonomy. but I guess, and I found cat that looks like him a lot, he's look like many many pinterest cat, that exactly look the same as he is :D:D:D so I think, there are so many cat just look like him in this hella world.
I can tell you, I completely in love with him. He's my chat-friend whenever there is no one, ngajak ngomong kucing dan kadang kalo aku beruntung, dia jawab dengan meongannya yang gemesin itu yang tiada duanyaaaaa.
Garong ini di kebiri, jadi dia ndak bisa punya anak :((
mitos sih, ngga tau bapaku nemu pemikiran darimana yang katanya, kucing kalo udah dikebiri ngga suka keluyuran nantinya, alias bakalan stay dirumah gitu. Eh apa kenyataannya? sama aja hfttt
Garong ini sukanya keluyuran jugaaa, berantem. udah sempet dapet beberapa luka di kepala gara2 berantem,, kapok.
tapi, yang bikin bangga sih, Garong ini itungannya ukurannya lebih gede dari kucing-kucing di kampung sini hehehe. berasa punya kucing yang macho gitu deh, ditambah nggemesinnya minta ampunnnn
Tapi garong ini muka nya sombong, hahaha gak kaya kucing yang kadang mukanya melas minta di emeshh gitu, kalo yang satu ini, klo udh digendong, cepet2 pingin lari aja, ngga suka di gendeng. tatapi, kadang kalo kitanya udah jauh, dia ngalem-ngalem sendiri.
Semaunya sendiri kan??

ya gitu deh pokoknya couple of things you need to know about Garong... I really hope that my cat will stay healthy, have a long live, and still alive even untill I married or maybe when I have a child hahaha hopefully, just pray to God for it..
hmm yaudah deh segitu aja yaa buat todayyy, It's 1 am anyway, sunday (early) morning. And yes, I need to go to bed... this very moment, so my body will not get tired this morning... okhaay then. thankyou for sticking by,,, I love you somuchhh. bye !!!

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