New Job, broken phone, etc :))

hey! today I'm having a day off which is a very rare occassion, to just chillin in my bed, all the time. 
And today is a simply nice morning and athmosphere to write.
I got a disaster this night. My phone fell off from my bed which is 2 feet tall and it dead, cannot be recharge and it still not turned on, I don't know why.
I need a phone tecnician asapppp.... lol
I hope it'll be recover immediately, gosh, haha same story, as always... broken phone, is just my things. Iknow it, it'll be happen again... hahahha
I've just lost my phone last month and today, my new phone is broken. Okay good. How's about using telegram instead??? or a cable phone.. -.- worth to try wkwkwk

I have another story for you anyway
I never been thinking that these tired and listless changing schedule will actually come into my daily life, hahah sorry for being hyperbole :))))
I have a job now, being an employee of a newspaper company called Jawapos. yeayyyy me \(^^)
more specifically I get on the a surveyor position, which is the one who gather data for a teen-column called Deteksi.
It's pretty famous, I'm sure you know it !!! if you're a Cool-surabaya-teenagers im sure you know it, pal. hahaha 
I'm happy for getting hired, I'm a girl that love the adventure and new challenges
but the thing is, it's never been this hard. Time management, is the one I really need to be tamed.
my real intention of entering this job is basically to have a more experience, in team work, and alsoooo for it salary, I can pay my daily consumption by my self, hopefully :D

my college life still haunting me as always. but the most busy hours has vanished:D, leaving me raring to go once more.
lucky me having those special people --family,friends,and the one-- that always supporting me doing anything that I want ^^
Anyway, the people that working in my new place are all hard worker who really dedicated in their work.
Their age is simply as same as my age, that also make me even more motivated. I really appreciate and inspired by them.
I hope that this decision -to have a job- will be the best choice for my life right now, not to make money, but to boost my self-esteem :3. It's also an excellent day for making some long-lasting and serious changes to my value system,
but still, I still having all my goals that is  long overdue. I need to work that both.
Especially now I'm living my 3 final semester of my college life, I need to work it out... all of them, nicely. It's pretty hard to imagine :") 
Goshhh, I just remember. I also need to sacrifice my long desire to get a english conversation tutor/class TT
I did walk out of that plan, because of yes! I have no time for doing all of that.
college-my original job-and this new job. It's overwhelmed me but still it's sexy to do hahah

okaaaaay, I think that's all ya for todaaay, see ya later love ya !! kisskiss

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