take me back

Hey there,

the sun is shining and the weather is suppa hot. It's typical day here on my lovely city, Surabaya.
I'm sitting on my bed now. doing nothing.
It's June already, a middle month of the year. A door into more adventure to the next month. A summer month. A holy month for my moeslim fellas, cause it's fasting time
a lovey month of course.
I love this month, all of the sudden. I used to love like December, well I still love end year.
but this month, is a new adventure for me, personally.
knowing new people. Mingle to another circle that I never  thought I will. and get stick with new friends. hella happiness for me.
I'm lucky enough to have the next few months doing a project for my college assignment. KKN, it's called. I need to go to the little town, district, faar from my home, even though it's still on the same province with the city i'm living, but its still also a new adventure coming up.

there's no update for this month, my life is perfectly the same.
hmmm the thing is, I just miss the holidays.
I really want to go to the beach, bitch! haha
or if it isn't a beach, I really wish I can go stars-seeing. in a cool savannah, in the middle of the night.. staring at the sky. just wearing a big jacket, a blanket. and lay down to a massive grass continent which they tickling my barefoot, and then I fell asleep, wake up at 9 am. and yeahhhh searching a river to wash myself...

doesn't it seem like i'm dreaming... when can I do it all? ha ha

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