in which I am tired.

Because honestly,
I can't stand the awkwardness in a relationship.
who wants to be in such a trouble?
who wants to be stuck in a sadness?

there are two things.
(1) Boredom, the state of feeling bored.
 Somehow you can't avoid it. Being tired of things that going over and over, and you sick of it.

(2) Careless,not concerned or worried about.
  To be silent. Stand still, doing nothing.

yes, There is no regulations, of things you should say and things you shouldn't.
but then you yelled, irresponsibly.
as your other half trying to make things up between you two,
what you do is only, listen to her, doing nothing, saying nothing.

And what she do next, is just walk away.
or maybe, waiting for you ? you might choose the ending.

but still, you do nothing, remain to be silent. like a cactus in a dessert.

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