Kerja di SIS

Whatsuppp people!

I'm going to tell you a story.
Semua bermula dari aku yang akhirnya memberhentikan karir ku di dunia perbankan. I've been probably 8 months for being a customer service at a Bank. After I quit, I'm jobless, but it only last for days.
On the nex two days, I got some information for my mom, telling me that at her school where she works, there is a teacher assistant who is vacant temporarily, and then she ask me wheter I want to fill in that position cause it really need asap.
On the next day, I talked to the principal and yes, thankyou Lord I get in.

Setelah itu, aku merasakan gimana bekerja di dunia pendidikan. bertemu dengan anak - anak dan melihat anak - anak belajar. meski aku nggak ikut ngajar, but when I feel the atmosphere, I just feel like it's so enjoyable. then I questioned my self, Why didn't I started to work at education sooner? I just realize that day that my previous jobs was kinda boring and this is what I like.

Aku bekerja di sekolah itu selama kurang lebih 2 bulan.
I learned many things during my short period of presence in that school actually.

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