Parenting and Life update

Hi there, It's really hard to keep on track to my blog since, forever!!! haha
I always rarely visit my own blog like for entire my adult life I was always getting overwhelmed by stuffs like activities or just some made up activities.

But basically this is what happen in my March, 2020.

I currently stayed at home due the outbreak or now so called pandemic of Covid 19. I hope it will cured soon though, in Indonesia.
I was teaching 2nd grade, become a shadow teacher in SIS.
I've been teaching for 5 months now anyway
And this experience really boost me as a person.
Becoming a new teacher, shadow teacher for a dyslexic kid to be precise, make me learn A LOT.
I'm really grateful for getting this opportunity and just to grow personally to learn more about teaching and handle a student

I know that I'm soooo far from being a perfect teacher
But this is a good start.

OK, so moving on to my personal life.
Everything went well with my loved ones, Mas Dimas.
He's very caring (sometimes) lol, but everythings turn out so well

and also, Jepa is getting smarter and smarter
eventhough I expected too much from him, sorry kiddo
My mom always told me that I was so fast to learn to talk, at 1 year old I started talking already
But now Jepa is 20 months and he have already have a lot of words. But I just reallyyy wish he can speak more like me when I was a child.
Well, that is parents.
But I always try to be patient on this
You know, my self is kind of a "keburu-buru" rushing person who wants to get done in immediate time. I think that's why I kind of rushing for my little one.
I have to learn more for being a mother
Butttt, I have tried my best so far.
I reallyyyyyy enjoy reading parenting articles, books, and browse all about parenting lately,
I even try to have a tot school with my 20 months old son, Can you imagine that?
yes I.m such a runner hahaha. But, I never set my expectation too high this one. I always try to follow his lead. my son's natural wants.
It's really important to me that I need to be natural and flexible
I definitely on progress for learning a handful skills of being a mom which is VERY AWESOME!!!

The other stuff that I havent been learned andddddd I really need to learn about managing household and doing housewife stuffs, in the kitchen, do chores and cleaning..... WHOAAA, it's really challenging since I still live with my mom as well.

And anyway, I also want to share some of my photos of my current daily stuffs. Here we go!!!!
Thanks for stopping by!

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