Whoaaa If you're like me, there are always busy days
I actually have no work to do but it seems like I don't have time to simply sit back and relax and have a zero to do list :D
It's been a wonderful adventure lately.
So here it goes, my Mid-year post.
For my journaling and keeping memories purpose,
I would include some photos and hight light of how my month goes in 2020.
January 2020
My student was enjoying the expo the kindergarteners held |
Jepa attending school at Mandala School |
We were at Tulungagung, for a wedding event
Jepa holding a bamboo at Tulungagung
on our relative's wedding at Tulungagung
Jepa at the hotel room
Playing on a playground at Kediri |
on our way to Tulungagung |
taking care the monkey! |