Whoaaa If you're like me, there are always busy days
I actually have no work to do but it seems like I don't have time to simply sit back and relax and have a zero to do list :D
It's been a wonderful adventure lately.

So here it goes, my Mid-year post. 
For my journaling and keeping memories purpose, 
I would include some photos and hight light of how my month goes in 2020.

January 2020
My student was enjoying the expo the kindergarteners held

Jepa attending school at Mandala School

We were at Tulungagung, for a wedding event

Jepa holding a bamboo at Tulungagung

on our relative's wedding at Tulungagung

Jepa at the hotel room

Playing on a playground at Kediri
on our way to Tulungagung

taking care the monkey!

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