Thank You 2020.

Hi all, welcome to 2021!

I'm writing this exactly on January 1st, 2021

It was another fast-paced year. Especially with the addition of COVID 19.

It was a huge changing year for me too. I'm at 24 years old and still trying to figure out what I really want to do in my life. Cause, to be honest, I always think I haven't done learning and found the perfect answer for it just yet. a lot of people might call it the Quarter-life crisis. Some of you might feel it too right?

Covid and my Changing Economic Life

I used to work at SIS for almost a year since 2019, to teach a dyslexic student and I completely enjoyed it, to teach, to be able to make an impact on that kid's life. I started to have a growing passion for teaching. This experience made me learn. A huge deal. Made me know a lot of things that are beyond my capacity and my knowledge. My teaching experience ended because of the pandemic. Leaving me with no monthly salary starting from August 2020. But God is good. He always provides us for what we need.

Growing Passion to be a Teacher

After I stopped working daily in school, I went to my grandma's house to live in a village. To slow down from the city buzzing lights but to be honest, also to enjoy nature. I enjoy my days while I am there. But I keep researching and researching stuff that relates to early childhood. Since my son is A 2 years old kid. That daily looking for information makes me love even more on teaching. At that time I really do think that teaching might be my next career. Following my mom, my grand ma and grandpa and my uncle and aunts. Basically my family members are teachers. 


To be honest, this is really not what I planned to teach Jepa. To put some educational materials for him in this early time. One that I really regret was I didnt start to read him book before he turned 1 years old. What's wrong with me. I used to think that it's still not the time for him to listen the story. Until just after Jepa turned 1 year old, I got a message from my friend, asking do i put him to school? Will I put him in the Montessori school?

By that time, I really don't know what Montessori is. I used to buy a parenting book before but never read it. hahaha I'm pretty much sure the book that I bought is written by a Montessori mom who shares a lot of montessori ideas inside the book. silly me. and from that small conversation, I started to follow activity ideas pages on instagram, reading blogs, until it got more deep and I bought several curriculums until I pretty much broke hahahah I can say that I was hoarding on digital education materials in 2020. 

Starting a Small Business

Having a couple of preschool curriculum, reading a lot of books and downloading A LOT of education materials, to be honest. made me a little overwhelmed. I got a ton of stuff in my laptop all about education. whether it's printable, ebooks, or small courses. I spent most of my time in 2020 learning about this. and I really enjoy my time while I look for information about teaching. I was inspired by it all and decided to why not make one?

I can sell it on Teacher pay teacher. and make money out of it. Most importantly I can help parents out there to also have materials to teach their children, at a very reasonable price. 

and I started to make one. And I just continue to make more. 

Eating Habits

Gosh, I'm a pig this year. Yeah I know it's really different since I'm nursing. But it's getting worse since I just stay at home. I just eat anything on the table and make me even more plumpy everywhere. hahahah But that's ok. I plan to live healthily. I hope that can happen this year. 2021

That’s pretty much what happened in my 2020. I am really grateful for what 2020 made me today. How it gives me experiences,ups and downs, and most importantly it slows us all down. Like hitting a reset button. For me it Is. It gives me time to sit back and relax. Not just because I lost my job so I have plenty of time hahaha, but also because it gives me new insights and more changing events for me to explore by myself. And to be a better mother :) 

Thank you for visiting. I hope you will have a wonderful year ahead!


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