to be careless

Hey !
Long time no see you guysss:D how are ya fellas.. hope it great
I rarely and almost never log in to my blog recently. until.... today. it seems like a dead blog already
there's just ... so many ordinary college and life stuffs distracted me all the time.. oooohhh
I started to speak like a busy person hohoho I am not...
another reason that I never fill my blog recently is.... I honestly don't have any idea what to fill ... hehehe
it used to bunch of inspiration when I was on my teenage life (I'm not telling ya that I'm not a teenage anymore >< duh but what I mean is when I was younger hahaha when there's no college assignment this much) mmmm

anyway, there is one. bothering me
not bothering me that much. but kinda make me think, and right now I'm thinking of it.
There is so many fake people who wear their poker face
everywhere anywhere. I'm not saying that I'm not a poker faced girl. but not as asshole as those who simply giving us such kind behavior in front of us but talking us when we're not around. apalagi mereka yang semacan kayak soksoan jadi temen kita gitu... ngga capek apa being fake?
the bad thing is .. they talking about our negative side
it's like they're slander us. siapa njamin kalo apa yang mereka omongin ttg kita itu bermutu? yang emang benar adanya?
survey orang2 realis membuktikan sih wkwkwk mayoritas manusia "ngerasani" itu pasti ngomongin tentang hal2 jelek (mana ada survey kaya gituan)
sometimes we dont know any information precisely whether it's a fact or a gossip.
or just simply a single judgement by people, it's really easy to spread... bincang sana bincang sini
padahal originalnya ngga kayak gitu. udah sering banget kan ya kejadian.
it's very nice and feeling good when talking of somebody else isn't it? I admit it hahahaha
I'm not trying to be naive. I do it sometimes. to be honest. tapi jujur juga hehehe aku jg ada capeknya untungnya, tired of being fake
and I'll never be fake to somebody who's not mess with me... for real
I wouldn't care anything of those people who don't have any business with me. ngapain gitu ngurusin orang
tapi beda lagi sih sama kalo emg kita lagi ada kepentingannn aiiiih hahahaha bisa jadi gitu suka ngurusin orang wkwk
why do people, not only girls.. but also boys... like to talking bad about someone else
ummm I think I know the reason, it's human. It's human nature right?

and there's one more thing id like to say hehehe
kamu bakalan dipercaya orang kalo emang kamu bisa dipercaya dan percaya sama dia. eh apa ya maksudnya? hahaha ngga mudeng sendiri
semacam kayak, syok juga ya.. kalo misal orang yang selama ini kita percayaa.. ehhhh mereka can do unexpected things to us..
manusia emang susah ditebak banget yaaaa fellas:")
kadang juga kita dapet surprises dari manusia2 yang bener2 sma sekali ngga keliatan dari luar can do anything like that but actually they do.

I'm completely grateful to God for giving me this such a careless berhavior. sometimes it's advantage me :D yeayyy hehehe
jauh lebih mudah jadi orang sok kuat, sok cool, atau sok nggak peduli gitu. Menjadi rapuh emang gampang sih, tapi kadang butuh keberanian dan nggak malu. misjudgement orang lain, emang kadang nyakitin deh ya. tapi sepertinya mendingan jadi careless aja kalo di kasus ginian ya. terkait sama hal-hal random yang aku tadi sampaiin,,,,, mmmm It's okay to be the one who give more, who loves more even there's one who doesnt threat you right. fighting!!.

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