Why you Should Believe in Yourself

1. You matter. Your thoughts, feelings, hopes, dreams, wishes, longings, fears, anxieties – they all matter.
2. There is no-one else like you. You can play a unique role in the world and in other peoples’ lives. The world will be a poorer place without your own very special contribution.
3. You were made to be loved, wanted and treasured. It’s not just a matter of accepting or putting with who you are. You were meant to be valued and cherished by others.
4. You were made to live a full and happy life.
5. You were made to have purpose and to go after your dreams – to feel that you achieve and your life is meaningful.
6. Your life is a gift – it is given as you matter. You’re a beautiful person. Be all that you can be.

article credit,  here :)

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