
Showing posts from 2015

My emergency beauty product: Review

Sebenernya iseng banget sih nulis kali ini, jadi seringkali aku kalau pas travelling itu ngga prepare banget, sampai banyak yang ketinggalan. Dan seringkali juga pada saat travelling itu aku pada saat itu juga butuh banget sesuatu trus aku langsung beli dan barangnya cukup membantu And here I make top 5 beauty products yang aku beli tanpa tujuan apa2 cuma karena butuh atau iseng, but it's really works gitu sampai sekarang ^^ But first of all, aku ngga bakal pernah beli sesuatu yang too expensive for something yang dadakan jadi beberapa barang ini, you'll shock lah beberapa dengan harganya hehehe 1. DABO - Anti Aging Hand Cream Nggak tau ini brand macam apa, yang jelas made in Korea. I found it at VIVO City Watsons, in case you're wondering, Iya vivo city itu yang semacem mall pintu masuk Sentosa Island. Itu nggak sengaja banget, karena aku bosen jadi aku jalan2 kesitu, kalo ngga salah pulang magang, aku lagi pingin jalan trus nemuin hand cream magical yang sangat a...

Though attitude

Once the dreams began, they never stopped. They were always the same- an explosion, fires burning, an army tank cruising the battle field. Sebuah surat terbuka, untuk seseorang. Banyak orang-orang yang kadang terjebak dalam suasana dilematis, antara memilih sesuai kata hatinya, atau memilih apa yang seharusnya/ pantas. Terkadang yang seharusnya adalah sebuah pilihan yang umum, kebanyakan dipilih orang. Atau pilihan yang merupakan bukan preferensinya, melainkan sebuah "wajar" dan pada umumnya.tekanan dari pihak lain, demi sebuah kenyataan yang pada umunya. Bisa dibilang, aku dalam posisi saat itu sekarang. But I'm not affraid. Banyak orang diluar sana yang juga gampang terpengaruh. Being stubborn kadang juga perlu. To know yourself better, is a recipe to make yourlife, -secara keseluruhan- easier. Setuju nggak?  Be not affraid of anything.Don't let people become the barrier of the hard work yang selama ini kamu bangun.  Takut mengambil keputusan, Can be...

todays thought

Halo oktober!! Hmm telat ya, sekarang udah tanggal 9 aja It's not a surprise that i post rarely. I always miss to write on this lovely space by the way... There were no big accomplishments in my life lately, and there is no big news at all. My life is simply, on routine, but I can tell you that these days was the most productive days in my whole life. can you believe that, nowadays, I'm carrying around a to do list, just to make sure I'm not missing any task? just to make sure I do everything that I need to get done? can you believe it? A full time table, hmm jadi gini ya rasanya jadi sibuk hahaha, very exciting! Travel and refreshing was prescribed to relieve much of my suffering. ha-ha aku ngga maksuddd sih mengeluh.. maaf bos maaf hahaha nggak ada alasan :") iya aku tau:") aku berubah menjadi unusually restless baby, yang agak kaget dan lelah dengan semua ini sekarang huhuhu As for my love life, I was doing well and have met a right guy. I chose a man w...

Final season?

The end is in sight! the days is getting warmer. Nope, it's not summer time is going to come but it's the final season of my university life I've been in university for 3 years for now and that means.. I need to figure out my future will be I think everybody knows that I'm a super disorganized person. And I never stick to the plan I go where ever I want. Do what ever I want. University is never be my bestfriend I'm a rebel student, I guess. working and studying in one time. My GPA also never satisfied me except the last semester bhuahaha, That was the best so far :" It is the time to cram the books, which is I'm not sure I'll do it This is the time to spent the weekend in the library, browsing a different subject than what I usually do, time to plan, be discipline.. but still get fancy, yes baby it's haunting me duh, even just a bit. I still haven't be brave to took that class-- skripsi class I would took it next semester, that...

Fixing My Life. Bcs, Ours are written of

  Pic. Margaret Durow Very Happy today is Saturday. But not really happy cause I’m in the phase of recovery. I had too many workload today but to be honest, here I am still laying on my bed. I know very well how to be a proscast and how to delay all those things. I was having a very bad week, last week. Not because of I had many works to do, but because I had many fights. It’s relationship things. But don’t worry, I won’t tell you bout the romeo Juliet kind of thing. Its just…. A hyperbole, unhappy, rebels of teenager kind of thing   Remember my last blog post? It’s all about it. I have a few keywords, those probably can describe a little about my problems. Frustated, unfaithful , avoiding, argue fights, keeping secrets, over jelaousy, bad communication, one sided effort. I’m cheating.  Feeling so bad for it. I feel guilty but not really guilty cause there’s so many condition, that very complicated and hard to be explained. There’s no solution for ...

H a b i t

Im in torn Semua salah ku. Entah harus mengucap apa untuk menyampaikan maaf  semua berujung pada sebuah keputusan, yang mungkin dapat memperbaiki Tapi entah, masih belum sanggup untuk melepas, Salah satu pilihan. Risk, never think about it before.  Until everything's collapsed,  And can't be fixed  You can se how cute these cupboards are. It's belong to my house family member. Im living in a countryside right now.  Kab. Probolinggo, dalam proses kkn (kuliah kerja nyata), acara kampus. This moment, It gives me lot of time to spent, to think.  To breathe, to consider. But i haven't reached my decision yet  It's too hard to think  To hurt to be remembered  I wont let go of people that I really love  But I can't  let go of my world. I love how my life works,  Until my mistakes is blown up. But at least right now, I have a time to lay down  And realize that things I've done are all shameful mistakes So i can choose the right wa...

My make up routine.

Yo!  here come the moment that I finally make this post lol. I actually love to browse about this topic, mostly i do it by seeing YouTube videos. I used to love to watch how people do their make up routine, especially when the time I start doing make up, when I'm still at high school and having no idea what to do with those stuffs... and here we go, now I can show you my own >,< first I want to talk about my skin. I have a combination skin  (I guess) that tend to be very dry in the most of areas but very dull in my nose, I say it dull cause it has blackheads, but thank God it's only blackheads, -it called komedo here in Indonesia- no acne, and my face luckily not too oily and have many pimples, I also don't have those redness, it's just typical brown -sawo matang- skin, typical Indonesians. okay, Let's start. Step 1: tone    Nah, oke. <switch bahasa :)))> aku biasa pakai La Tulipe untuk toner. I dont know why, but I feel like, harus pakai ...

These are what I do on my leisure-browsing-time

  Hai ! Selamat hari kamis. Its 2:29 am anyway hahaha It's just me. up all night, having a bad sleeping schedule.  Dan malam ini sepintas kepikiran aja aku, dari tadi malam (8pm) aku ngga ngapa2in. cuma duduk, buka laptop, and surf  sepanjang aku hidup there is too many leisure time kaya gini yang aku spend kaya begini ini template banget sih, anak muda jaman sekarang gitu ya. roll over babe. sitting in a soft and comfy bed, lay the head down into a puffy pillow, turn on the aircon and charge the phone.... brew a cup of tea, turn on the tv sound for accompanying, close the door, get into the blanket and yes baby.   (beberapa hal yang aku banget pada saat internetan) 1.Multitab Lihat deh. Aku selalu multitab banget kalo buka internet. Hahaha kenapa sih ya aku itu get distracted easily. Jadi lihat headlines nya website yang cukup oke, pasti langsung aku klik dan klik.     2.Download lagu ...

Facts About Me

Well, It's totally random. But I'll Write as much as I can. lol enjoy reading this nonsense>,< 1.       Yes, Princess is my real name 2.       mostly people don't know that my last name is Purwacahyani 3.       I used to be skinny, and have a supper tanned skin, also a curly roller coaster hair 4.       My hair is so unstable in some period of my age it can be straight or wavy, sometimes it very curly 5.       I’m an Aries !!!! 6.       Was born in 1996 7.       I rarely reply people's chat or text. I'm lost on my own world 8.       I’m much disorganized. My room is always like a wreck container 9.       I rarely unplug my computer, despite it have too many viruses, it still work. And very awesome 10.   I’m running my own business…...