Facts About Me

Well, It's totally random. But I'll Write as much as I can. lol enjoy reading this nonsense>,<

1.      Yes, Princess is my real name
2.      mostly people don't know that my last name is Purwacahyani
3.      I used to be skinny, and have a supper tanned skin, also a curly roller coaster hair
4.      My hair is so unstable in some period of my age it can be straight or wavy, sometimes it very curly
5.      I’m an Aries !!!!
6.      Was born in 1996
7.      I rarely reply people's chat or text. I'm lost on my own world
8.      I’m much disorganized. My room is always like a wreck container
9.      I rarely unplug my computer, despite it have too many viruses, it still work. And very awesome
10.  I’m running my own business….. I’m so proud hahaha cause it’s so fun to do
11.  I have a dream to be healthy, but my eating habbit is totally unsupporting me to achieve my dream
12.  I always enjoy travelling. Has been to developed and developing country,,, but sadly…
13.  I never visited my own country travelling spot except Sumatra, Bali and Madura.
14.  I ALWAYS FAIL MY DIET… so sad !
15.  I used to have a youtube excitement, always open youtube every day. But not anymore
16.  I love cheap-yet adorable things
17.  I always buy little cute stuff or accessories that I don’t really need.
18.  I love travelling by train.
19.  When I’m going aboard, I love to mail local postcard to myself and my own address in Indonesia
20.  I love to cook. Yes! That’s me. But I know I can’t do it well hahahaha
21.  I always wreck my phone.. pity phones :))
22.  I was 16 years old when I graduate high school
23.  I have a phobia on spiders and cockroach
24.  I love foods that I think it’s mainstream; dimsum, pempek Palembang, kebab, and in my top list is.. >> nasi goreng
25.  I love Thailand’s drama and serials
26.  My biggest problem is.. procrastination
27.  I always forget things, a lot
28.  I rarely watch tv and new movies now
29.  I love to sing, and updating my songs, I love to hear cheerful beat and easy listening song
30.  I usually get inspired by films. When I watch one, I suddenly can miss my boyfriend, cause the scene is too irritating or reminding me of him
31.  I used to want to be a diplomat. I want that too now, but not as ambitious as I was
32.  I used to be a radio announcer when I was a kid. so talkative
33.  But I'm growing up to be a pretty shy girl
34.  There is a time, when I was on elementary, I don’t want to wear skirt… all pants hahaha
35.  I’m always love to argue, usually with my daddy
36.  I have a super strong MOM.
37.  I love to buy books! Have no time to read it lol
38.  I used to be a ballet dancer
39.  I used to be a very caring person but I don’t know why, I’m super don’t care lately
40.  I love having new friends yes, everybody do >,<
41.  I have a list of my ex-boyfriend’s name. hahahaha cause if it’s not, I’ll totally forget their names
42.  In total, probably I have 22 ex (it’s not an achievement) ahaha
43.  I create this blog, when I was 13th years old and its super weird back then hahaha
44.  I have a cat, I completely love him, his name is Garong
45.  Every time I have a pet, mostly dog, I'll give it name : Kiky
46.  I used to live in my grandma’s house, in Lumajang
47.  I always get an idea when I’m showering
48.  I can’t stand old man/ lady standing or working in the street.
49.  I love to write, with no theme, no specified subject, just write
50.  Yes, I love being me >,<

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