My make up routine.
here come the moment that I finally make this post lol. I actually love to browse about this topic, mostly i do it by seeing YouTube videos. I used to love to watch how people do their make up routine, especially when the time I start doing make up, when I'm still at high school and having no idea what to do with those stuffs... and here we go, now I can show you my own >,<
first I want to talk about my skin. I have a combination skin (I guess) that tend to be very dry in the most of areas but very dull in my nose, I say it dull cause it has blackheads, but thank God it's only blackheads, -it called komedo here in Indonesia- no acne, and my face luckily not too oily and have many pimples, I also don't have those redness, it's just typical brown -sawo matang- skin, typical Indonesians. okay, Let's start.
Step 1: tone

Step2 : moisurize
wah kalo ini penting banget, kakak. for a dry skin type like me, it's a must apply. It work like wonders. Aku pakai moisturizer nya Simple, yang jargonnya best product in UK >,<... dengan komposisinya yang enteng banget dimuka, cukup hydrating dan nggak ngebikin muka berasa kayak kertas minyak. Jangan lupa juga bibir ya cyin, dikasih pelembab juga. aku sih jarang sesungguhnya pakai lip balm/ butter dulu sebelum lipstick hahaha ya ini kalau misalnya nggak kelupaan aja sih pakai lip balm dulu. Biasanya aku skip mwehehehe
Step 3: Protect
Dirt, smog, and smoke are all bad news for we that living in a big city. Yup, Surabaya cukup panas ya sis. ditambah, aku kemana2 naik motor dan pastinya even using a mask, sinar matahari tetap saja memancar. If we're not vigiliant about sunscreen, an outdoorsy climate can lead to wrinkles in the future and discoloration yang pastinya big no-no yaa huhu. Fight back with this!
4. Put the damn base
Kalau ini sih optional. Aku nggak selalu apply foundation tiap hari. Cuma saat-saat tertentu aja kalo lagi pengen terlihan chantik gitu <3 hehe
and I'm using this Maybelline Dream Liquid Mousse for my daily foundation, and it's really turn out lovely.
6. Its time to draw
entahlah, tapi setelah pakai fondation aku lebih suka pakai alis dulu ketimbang pake bedak. Ngga ada exact reason sih, cuma kebiasaan aja. Aku biasanya apply tipis-tipis pensil alis biar kekinian gitu, tapi ngga sampai kaya sinchan kok Alhamdulillah hehehe. Ada dua warna sih favorit aku dark brown (mine is from Silky Girl) and the black one (dari viva).

5. Put a color on it
7. Get Cheeky

8. Shape the eye
9. curl it baby
before applying the next step, I know you know it lah ya ini buat apa fungsinya. Tapi, kalau dibandingin, pake alat ini sama nggak pake, hasilnya tuh bedaaa banget efeknya kelihatan lebih cute pastinya haha dan it make you even more look like barbie xoxo.
10. time for the beautify effect
10. Just one more thing

And I have so many lip product at my storage. Apalagi kalo digabung punya aku, punya ibu. Kayanya kebanyakan dari kaum hawa juga kaya gitu deh hwhwhw. Dari yang murah, beli di pasar sampe yang (uhmmm... lipstick aku murah smua sih wakak) mungkin ya kaya Shisedo gitu. tapi favorit aku itu yang maybelline watershine (bungkus silver), Aqua Tint by Love me-ex(kedua dari kanan), dan lipstik beli di pasar, yang kata mbaknya lipstik Arab, Elisabeth Arden (yang warna ijo). semuanya beda-beda warnanya, sesuai mood lah ya. Xoxo
dan sebagai pelengkap, jangan lupa pakai....

And what I bring to my bag?

These are the products that I can't leave without. Walaupun nggak jarang
ketinggalan sih, tapi ini yang paling sering aku bawa, especially when I
have a special occassion to attend.
1. Bedak (by La Tulipe)
2. Alis (by Viva)
3. Mascara (By Maybelline)
4. Blush on (By Love me-ex)
5. Lip Tint (By Love me-ex)