
Showing posts from 2016

Such a Beautiful Passage.

After a while you learn the subtle difference Between holding a hand and chaining a soul, And you learn that love doesn’t mean leaning And company doesn’t mean security, And you begin to learn that kisses aren’t contracts And presents aren’t promises, And you begin to accept your defeats With your head up and your eyes open With the grace of a woman, not the grief of a child, And you learn to build all your roads on today Because tomorrow’s ground is too uncertain for plans. And futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight. After a while you learn, That even sunshine burns if you get too much. So you plant your garden and decorate your own soul, Instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers. And you learn that you really can endure… That you really are strong And you really do have worth… And you learn and learn… With every good-bye you learn. Jorge Luis Borges , You Learn (via thequotejournals )

Korea Travel vlog!

he he akhirnya berani juga nge upload setelah melihat - lihat isi galeri dan random banget rekam sana sini awalnya engga mau banget bikin vlog atau semacamnya yang sangat kekinian itu tapi ya gimana ya, gapapa aja kan ya? if you guys want to know, atau lagi nganggur banget, silahkan ditonton ya haha thankyou for stopping by :D

Cat Cafe Myeongdong

Hi guys! kali ini aku mau cerita tentang salah satu pengalaan travelling aku, jarang banget sih sebenernya aku nge posting tentang hal-hal seperti ini di blog aku. So, it must be my first time! hhi~ I'm so happy menulis kali ini karena ini bener2 hal yang lucu banget yang membuat aku bahagia meski cuma membayangkan dan mengingat-ngingatnya hahahaha Ok without further do, langsung aja ya haha Kali ini aku mau merekomendasikan cat cafe, cafe yang wajib dikunjungin kalian-kalian pecinta kucing yang lagi jalan ke Seoul. Gimana ngga seneng, kalian bisa menikmati minuman dan snacks ala cafe ditemani sama puluhan kucing-kucing lucu dan manja yang siap di gemesssss >,< Sebenernya cafe semacam ini nggak cuma ada di Seoul, yang aku tau cafe konsep gini juga hits di Jepang dan kota-kota lain di Korea kaya misalnya Busan. Selain cat cafe juga ada kok dog cafe, mungkin buat kalian yang lebih suka anjing atau alergi sama kucing. Kalo aku sih, I do want to visit both! tapi belum ...


A cozy, rainy Monday. Made me clammed, thinking and imagining about your behavior upon me lately. If I doomed to be yours, it is should be very, very challenging. I might be too hyperbole for writing this, it's just a momentary thought~ Love and affection, it can make people exceptionally desiring it, but sometime, we also can get tired of it. like a normal person, I do want to be loved, as the time it becomes overwhelming, I would surrender. I knackered, tired, hopeless, clueless. have treated that way, in which I can't stand. My daddy was spoke to me  " a relationship is simply like... when you make it tight, it will leave you with more distance. So, you need to make it balance, do not make it too tight, if you don't want a distance  in between" I am surprised with what my daddy's words. but, I can see it has the point. A very obvious hard talks and contradiction between us is even make it apart This can be confusing and disorienting, especially w...

in which I am tired.

Because honestly, I can't stand the awkwardness in a relationship. who wants to be in such a trouble? who wants to be stuck in a sadness? there are two things. (1) Boredom, the state of feeling bored.  Somehow you can't avoid it. Being tired of things that going over and over, and you sick of it. (2) Careless,not concerned or worried about.   To be silent. Stand still, doing nothing. yes, There is no regulations, of things you should say and things you shouldn't. but then you yelled, irresponsibly. as your other half trying to make things up between you two, what you do is only, listen to her, doing nothing, saying nothing. And what she do next, is just walk away. or maybe, waiting for you ? you might choose the ending. but still, you do nothing, remain to be silent. like a cactus in a dessert.

Missing Deteksi....

Today's Feb 9th Masih di pertengahan liburan semesterku, sebentar lagi aku semester 8!!! aaah kenapa cepet banget udah semester segini aja hehe and today I wanna talk about..... I miss my job very much. fyi, it's not the "working" or get a job like most people do, it is not that full time kind of job you might think about.. I haven't even graduate university, I'm taking a part time job, but surprisingly the task is considered as a full time job. It did taking majority of my time back then... It also consuming my quality times with my loved ones... But what can I do? I missing it now by the way.. semester lalu, waktu aku masih semester 7, I earn my own money, lumayan buat uang saku sehari-hari, lewat kerjaanku yang sangat menyenangkan itu tadi :) iya menyenangkan itu!!! Jam kerjanya saaaangat menyenangkan. hahaha, total lie... Jadi singkat cerita, aku dapet kerjaan di Deteksi Jawapos. Aku kerja selama kurang lebih 10/11 bulan, waktu aku semest...

Dear future me,

Hi! I'm pretty sure you've grown up pretty. Are you still living in Surabaya now? Or anywhere else in the world (hopefully) but If you are not, that's okay.. Cause taking care of Mom & Dad is the most important right? Anddd...... I'm going to remind you about this beautiful little baby - garong- your one and only cute cat, is he still alive? haha if he isn't that's okay... he's been with you this 4 years being a fatty happy cat that always makes you happy by the way. How's Karang Empat by the way? And tempursari? Are you already throwing away those massive un-read book of yours? How many novels have you finished? Okay I wonder what kind of entertainment you obsessed right now.  When I'm writing this post, you're into Korean dramas, as well as Thailand series, couples of American Series on star world and spend your leisure time to YouTube-ing all day about beauty things. And uhm, Is your bedroom is still covered by clothes on the floor?...

A beautiful years ahead^^

Oh dear, it's 2016 already.... It's 25 days we're all steppin on 2016. How's it? Is it nice so far?  For me, it is... Not really, actually. I'm being less productive than last year. I mean, last year is my best year till now. Just let me see what would happen next. Hope it'll turned out great. I used to work last year, taking a job that pretty exhausting. It makes me travel less >,< wkwkwk.  I visit little place last year but I enjoyed working. It's really nice to work your ass off and get paid. No matter how much the money (for now) haha all I need is to learn. I can say, I'm doing well last year, for my life actually... For my education? blerrrghhh. Not really good. But this year, I'm going to take it to the next level. I really wish I can graduate this year. Not because I'm old enough, I'm 19 by the way.... Can you believe it? hahaha I'm a 1996 kid. I'm turning 20 this year. I really want to graduate, honestly, becau...