A beautiful years ahead^^

Oh dear,
it's 2016 already.... It's 25 days we're all steppin on 2016. How's it? Is it nice so far? 
For me, it is... Not really, actually. I'm being less productive than last year. I mean, last year is my best year till now. Just let me see what would happen next. Hope it'll turned out great.
I used to work last year, taking a job that pretty exhausting. It makes me travel less >,< wkwkwk. 
I visit little place last year but I enjoyed working. It's really nice to work your ass off and get paid. No matter how much the money (for now) haha all I need is to learn. I can say, I'm doing well last year, for my life actually... For my education? blerrrghhh. Not really good. But this year, I'm going to take it to the next level. I really wish I can graduate this year. Not because I'm old enough, I'm 19 by the way.... Can you believe it? hahaha I'm a 1996 kid. I'm turning 20 this year. I really want to graduate, honestly, because I'm already 3,5 years studying in this uni. I'm planning to take my ass off from this city right after I'm finishing my degree, just if my mom let me, by the way.

For these days, I'm just having my university term-break. I'll be on my 8th semester next term. Having this free times, I just spent it to browse, hanging out, and travel... I have a little obsession with this K-drama things lately, which one thing that I was always avoid, - to be Korean addict- Wish I wont, hahaha but can't lie it's so addictive, the dramas I mean, fortunately, I'm still not into their music... again, wish I wont... no offense. Why? cause when I'm seeing my friend, who is a fangirl, it seems like it's tiring ahahha it cost money and make em like crazy, doing those things stalking and everything everyday, instead of doing something else. Hahaha
and by the way, Right now I'm also trying to get healthier. eat fat less, go to the gym more often, Can't wait to see the result. I'm little bit overweight, by the way.. it makes me sick... Gosh, My clothes are mostly can't fit me well hahaha.

The best part of a new year is always a new start, a new beginning, to start doing a resolution.
I don't have one. because when I have some, like I used to in the past, it turned out to be... never happened. That's why, I decided to not making it this year hahaha... Okay, so, It's still a january..
I wish that this year will be turned out very awesome.. I'm very excited for it.
I've made a lot of mistakes last year along with couple of achievements. And wish I'll do the best for this year... Yay!

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