Dear future me,

Hi! I'm pretty sure you've grown up pretty. Are you still living in Surabaya now?
Or anywhere else in the world (hopefully) but If you are not, that's okay.. Cause taking care of Mom & Dad is the most important right?
Anddd...... I'm going to remind you about this beautiful little baby - garong- your one and only cute cat, is he still alive? haha if he isn't that's okay... he's been with you this 4 years being a fatty happy cat that always makes you happy by the way.
How's Karang Empat by the way? And tempursari?
Are you already throwing away those massive un-read book of yours?
How many novels have you finished?
Okay I wonder what kind of entertainment you obsessed right now.  When I'm writing this post, you're into Korean dramas, as well as Thailand series, couples of American Series on star world and spend your leisure time to YouTube-ing all day about beauty things. And uhm, Is your bedroom is still covered by clothes on the floor? And, how many accessories do you have? Are the watches is still easily broken and wasted?
Do you already got that closet room that you've always wanted?
Wish you have a very happy life, a healthy body, now you're around 52 kgs. FAT!
Got a job being a professional career woman, and having a great expenses journal and a very well organized planner ;)  Hope you done great in English too, so if you read this post you'll be laughing at my bad grammar^^. Wish you improved your daily intimacy with God, and being merciful than when I write this post (early 2016)

And yes, how many country have you visited until now? I'll be glad to hear bout your traveling story,
Please, reduce eating in the midnight. Instead, go swim more often!
Have a great balanced life ya... I'm not hoping too much on you, not hoping something high,,

But simply, plis stay commit on things you want to achieve!
I believe in you Ima, Proud of you!!!

19 y.o Ima

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