
Showing posts from 2014

Maybe God is saying "Wait"

selamat malam teman-teman semuanyaaaahh I feel so happy today☼ kurang lebih selama beberapa hari belakangan ini, I got plenty of troubles that simply.. discouraged me☹☹. and I counted the days, waiting for those such problems and dilemmas will be disappear and passed peacefully. I'm trying to solve it myself. But, I know, the only one I can count on in this such situation when we can let other people know is, God. God's the only way, the best partner of us. I just can't simply realize it at first. and after I've been waiting for couple of time, God answer my question ☺ I know he will. I can tell you guys, I can't stop smiling today☺ I feel so relieved :)) it's may be bcs God simply put lightness in my days lately. it's not only today, but also the past couple days. I just don't feel any "boom" and happiness as today, bcs it's the point from what I ask for and I got the superb answer I got it. this very dayy!!! ★ ☆★ ☆ I learn somethin...


I wanna show you guys kalo minggu kemarin aku habis ikut retreat di Villa Ekklesia, Pacet I captured couples of stuffs and "faces" that I'd love to see. cause we meet rarely, and here they are :D   Firstly, sebenernya bisa dibilang banyak orang yang wondering apa arti retreat itu? for those who are not christian usually nggak terbiasa sama kata2 itu hehehehe re-treat is simply "the act of withdrawing or going backward (especially to escape something hazardous or unpleasant) in an area where you can be alone  "      nasi goreng selalu <3 from this point, I was able to reflect, for what I've done. To see clearly that I'm actually full of fear and cannot facing it. But in God, I can say, I got so much peace and clear air. I got time to pray through last weekend that I'm usually not.  also got couple of tears and learning many things. life's full of up and downs. we usually need...

Why you Should Believe in Yourself

1. You matter. Your thoughts, feelings, hopes, dreams, wishes, longings, fears, anxieties – they all matter. 2. There is no-one else like you. You can play a unique role in the world and in other peoples’ lives. The world will be a poorer place without your own very special contribution. 3. You were made to be loved, wanted and treasured. It’s not just a matter of accepting or putting with who you are. You were meant to be valued and cherished by others. 4. You were made to live a full and happy life. 5. You were made to have purpose and to go after your dreams – to feel that you achieve and your life is meaningful. 6. Your life is a gift – it is given as you matter. You’re a beautiful person. Be all that you can be. article credit,   here :)

to be careless

Hey ! Long time no see you guysss:D how are ya fellas.. hope it great I rarely and almost never log in to my blog recently. until.... today. it seems like a dead blog already there's just ... so many ordinary college and life stuffs distracted me all the time.. oooohhh I started to speak like a busy person hohoho I am not... another reason that I never fill my blog recently is.... I honestly don't have any idea what to fill ... hehehe it used to bunch of inspiration when I was on my teenage life (I'm not telling ya that I'm not a teenage anymore >< duh but what I mean is when I was younger hahaha when there's no college assignment this much) mmmm anyway, there is one. bothering me not bothering me that much. but kinda make me think, and right now I'm thinking of it. There is so many fake people who wear their poker face everywhere anywhere. I'm not saying that I'm not a poker faced girl. but not as asshole as those who simply giving us s...


Please, just don't give up on me just yet. I'll open up more, I promise :).

Intention of Change :D

It's mighty easy to feel like you don't have time to read — especially quality literature, and make an assignment. Life is hectic, jobs are busy and it's much easier to scroll through a photo feed in instagram, path, and all over the internet than it is to sink your brain into some juicy reading matter . Those are simply my terrifying daily habit that can't be released even until now. We tend to living our comfort zone, doing and keeping everything that condemned us to remain in the way, even it's not the only way. keeping us on the wrong track without we even realize there is so many bright and dazzling stuffs we've been left behind, only for holding and preserve this same old habit or stuffs. The thing is, I'm not only talking about my bad habit of being procrastinating to not read or make my housework cause my life's is too hectic to sit down and make my assignment, but I also talking about my useless daily routine that need to be thrown away into...

A short trip of us

Have you ever felt that 24 hours is not enough for a day? We need more of it, whenever we're together with the one we love, we never feel enogh. he once said to me.... we can cut the time up to make a progress faster but we can't slow it down time is something...... precious and magical. Yesterday was a very fun day Sunday.Two person that on a long distance relationship finally seated in one place hohoho that girl was me... and the guy isssss >,< hei you Dimas. And there was more surprise.. He bring his sister, my auntie and my cousins together as one, visited my home. to have a short trip this weekend. what a day ;D several hundred miles apart from Malang and Surabaya, melted. and here we are us ? >,< Me and his sister :3 <3 swimmin yeaaay crossing suramadu bridge. after a long time :))

hari yang ke 23

Ini aku yang baru, bersama kamu yang baru <3

OK--- I decided.

Hi...... apa kabar semuanya. How are you? cukup lama ngga nulis di blogku:* hehe, walau gak lama2 banget juga sih ya. jadi ini ceritanya barusan aja aku selesai ngerjain tugas, terusan buntu, akhirnya I decide to intip intip blog ku yang berujung dengan ruweh sama isinya yang alay semuanya. maafkan aku ya sama kelabilan postinganku selama ini yang terribly annoying. I know that nobody will read it but if its any...... Im so sorry wkwkwk ok, move on. lately, waktu berasa cepet banget bergulirnya di hidup aku. why? karena fenomena yang terjadi belakangan ini itu sungguh2 yang tak terduga. bisa kejadian juga. and that event was..... get ready deh. Its so specta, (sok2an banget ya) cant even imagined (by myself kok). and...... just try to guess.... it might be a little bit privacy..... but I explicitly want to declare that I over him . and its time for me to moving on with my life. and for not an instant way, aku udah sama yang lain. hehehe peace yo! hmmmm when is it exactly? actu...

----- untitled aja deh -----

When I walk down into the isle of my bed suddenly I realize realize for too many things. That I never thought will be happen in my life all of this sudden. the opinion hallowing my brain travelling through my ears come by in every moment. I cant stop what peoples might said to me. what they might think, what they might suggest. It's me, a 18 years old girl trying to figure out what to do next. sadly, through all of those insight, it's still got big blurry . every time I think its going too far, I give up. try to runaway,,,, I feel so burdened. too many crazy things craving my head like a mess. I know that out there, there are so many peoples, handling much bigger griefing than I have. it's not a grief anyway...hmmm a dillemma? I cant even define it :") and all I can do is to slow down. reflect. I think I already turned in to a snail. doing everything slowly. not proper. but I know that I dont wanna do anything wrong. Im not a perfectionist but I'll tell yo...

Im so tiredddddd :"(



---reaksi habis baca blog di tahun2 2009 and beyond--- hehehe blogku ini udah cukup lama yah rupanya mengudara. kalo diitung2 dari tahun 2009, udah 5 tahun aja gitu. dimulai dari seorang anak ingusan yang baru lulus SMP, coba coba bikin blog ya beginilah jadinya. aku suka ketawa kalo baca postingan2 blogku jaman jadul dulu, isinya pointless gitu ahahhaha tp disisi lain aku ngga nyangka jaman dlu masih goblok aja bisa bikin tulisan lah palingga ya hahaha 2009 itu aku umur... 12 atau 13 tahun hehehehe aku kecil banget yaaa jadi malu hehe. masio skrg juga masih kecil.... aaaah kapan sih 18 tahun :/ masih lama ta aku udah pingin masuk ke club club niiihh (aaaah ditinju ibuku) nggak laah... ima kan bukan anak yang begitu kan yaaa? hahaha skrg aku udh gedeee, udah pacaran aja kerjaannya :p lihat aja isi blogku isinya ya galooo melulu. aku sendiri baca aja riweh hahaha maapin ya maapin masa aku harus cerita sama hamster melulu? ya boleh lah ya ngetik2 biar disangka anak gaul gituuuu...

do the scientist can predict? our life is full of surprises!

"ready?" "ready." "now?" "soon... or later... or never"

Semester 4

Mataku merah banget. beberapa hari ini emang merah banget mataku. Apalagi kemarin, kemarin aku pas dijalan pulang dari Surabaya ke Malang, lamaaaa banget di Travel. Nggak Ketiduran sama sekali. Tapi ngantuknya bukan main. Nasib lah ya punya rumah di ujung dunia. Always deh jadinya dianter paling terakhir sendiri kalo naik travel. Sebenernya mataku merah juga karena aku lagi sakit sih :( aku baca di internet gitu, emang penyakitku ini ngebuat penderitanya jadi mudah bengkak matanya, sensitif X( Sakit apa aku hayoooo? tebak dehh. Penyakitnya pokoknya nyebelin banget. Diawalin sama panas, panasnya ngga jelas pula. Bayangin aja badanku jadi polkadot isinya ruam semua :( jadi malu kemana-mana. Aku sakit campak. Hiks.... Seingetku aku pernah kok dulu sakit campak. Kenapa sekarang kena lagi yah:( aku dosa apaaaaa Ya udah lah terima aja. Untung aja sekarang aku udah lumayan pudar ruamnyaaa. Kalo gagitu bisa mati deh, soalnya eh soalnhyaaaaaa today is..... My first day on my 4th Semes...

Keep Moving Forward --->

So many times in my life I spent to read about some helpful tips, some great quotes, write down about my resolutions, or even try to make a to do list of what I want to do. Those bucket list are a view of my project to become more happier, more discipline in life. A long dull holiday like this can lead me into some unproductive phase. Like once I told you in some other of my post. I'm just a teenager, and common teenager problem is to be lazy. I got my GPA result lately, and it was not a surprise I'm happy if it's getting better than the last semester, but I'm also sad that it was not the score that I expected to. I do what I can do this past semster, and I didn't got what I want. It's used to happen in my life, those failings. It's just like I already work hard, but not pay off. It's okay anyway, I'm okay :") I'm not acclaimed my life as a miserable one, but I do practically feel that it hasn't reach it's fullest yet.  I...

to heal

I wonder if every single person can be hurt. Yes they are, and they used to take a respon on it, would it be wisely or something jerk. we're not the only one walking around with hurts. We need the ability to look beyond the hurt for good. We can runaway, solve it properly, or choose to still be hurt. We all have power. God has given us the most great blessing, to be a human. We can feel, we have power, Including to heal. to heal our self, to learn something, to be better, to think, and to living on this so much opportunity. We also can empower others. there why we live as a social creature. We must heal, standing for each others, holding hand, and become positive fuel to every person we meet up to.

a little bit of today

"Nope, postingan kali ini aku ngga akan nge post tentang anger, depression, atau such things yang isinya rubbish I know I do it a lot pastinya hahahhaa. and sampah2 itu semoga ngga banyak yang baca yaaa. Lagian blogku ini juga tertutup kaaan hehehehe. Setelah aku masuk kuliah ini, aku baru ngerasain gimana umur 17 tahun itu rasanya. Termasuk rasanya bisa dapet KTP, bisa travelling naik pesawat dan nunjukin "KTP" instead of kartu pelajar :))) bisa masuk ke kantor2 dengan nitipin KTP ;;) hhmmm its so great. Di kuliahan ini juga aku ngerasain gimana LDR. pisah sama orang tersayang banget. buat nahan egoisme buat ketemu. buat set aside some things that really deal with. bisa ngatur priority I learnt a lot in last year. dan lately, aku mau nyeritain tentang lately aja yaaaah :) Aku jadi kebelet kerjaaa banget belakangan ini. Padahal banyak banget opini temen2ku yang tiap kali dia mengheboh2kan kelulusan aku mesti jawab: Aduh, asikan kuliah kali... kerja itu ngga enak bany...


There goes time when your interest and needs and desire don't get approximately equal to your partner needs... Then you can be not satisfied. Even if somebody doesnt respect your needs, you must. At the very least that person will have new respect for you if you do. Speak the simple, kind truth, speak up for your own interest . Hmmm, it isn't that easy. Well I guess that problem could be solved as we can get along and be patience. be pure, more or less by it self, it will be cure...



January, 16 2014

Yeaaaaah, my finals is officially over guys can you look into my eyes? its blink so bad, showing that I'm really relief for having this shit done. hmmm pretty much grateful for this semester finals. even though I'm not that completely sure that I done it well. I have big fear actually, if only my work was wrong, I'm not that smart. And you know, I'm a lazy kind of pity girl. I having so many spare times lately. I've got my keyboard back which my friend were borrow it and it just came back I'm pretty much playing my keyboard lately. and theeen, I really having a nice bedroom, great wifi, hahaha which makes me finished watching me favorite showwwww which is carrie diaries until it latest episode... I can barely wait for the next episode. carrie and sebastian are a lover !! theyre so cute omg I wanna be like them.. sebastian is just too cute hahahaha  and anyway, I have a health problem this week. I'm not feeling well. Do you know what kind of disease is when y...

Rain in my brain

Common januaries in my calendar are always brings rain. heavier rain than december. and it just happens now, and unfortunately, my house is flooded as well. They said that rain usually can washes everything away. like what my father told me, rain is bringing good stuff, fresh air, breeze wind, more fresh things that its so rare here on my town I living, Surabaya. But my dad was also told me that, rain is not as good as it might seen, its also bring floods, its also bring viruses, those what attacks you, making you sick. Rain is pretty much like love is, fall in love do have a risk, big or small. It depends in the background of both who have it. I have those risk. Risks that pretty much cross my mind many times in my spare time. But suddenly, almost everytime I doesn't care about it that's love. something that can make us do many mistakes, many harmful and silly actions, many unlogic stuffs. people had to deal with many stuffs, too many stuffs, because of this matter, love. ...