
Showing posts from 2013

last day of 2013

Hey you . You know what?yes. 2013 is nearly over. Minutes clambering up to the ladder of new year eve.' The stacks of christmas decorations has begin to put off. a nice one year, are going to leave. I want to thank God for this marvelous year, to gave me chances to give my shot on this year, for gave me breath, for gave me health. I believe that those blessings will never end. God's will always be here. I really grateful for having my every single person I love for was fine, I can through this year. and now, 2014 is coming a lovely number... 2014 I love 14, it was my class number when I was in the middle school. Thank God for your blessing thankyou for new friends, for new places I have been, for new experiences and new lessons I'm 17th yrs old in 2013. it doesnt mean much but how grateful am I to be able to consider my self as a grown kid. I'm not a baby anymore there's still so much task, that still waiting for me to grasp. I will always want to b...

A Pout

Sometimes I don't understand what people feel. I sometimes think they're complicated. especially grownups. Do I grown up? don't think so. life is so full of different issues and events. some are bad, some are good. But usually, those are what make us what we are today. And I think we are all learning. This is what shaped us right now, what we must to do is all that we doing now, learning through socializing. I've been through a huge matter these days. its attract me, in deep emotion. and I know I'm talking it a lot and it's maybe too hard to figure out what's a specific issue behind it. I'm really can tell you this is my exactly condition right now: Need help. I've been spent my minutes on a good cry. A good cry that even too cheap to pay every mins I throw away to think about those miserable stuffs. so okay, just a little pout and grumble about how am I going. i'm fine. and I hope I will always be :')

Little more details

hey life, I have something inside my head. thinking about details, lately. burdened by a lot of things that I used to share to you. live, love, life. It's not that easy. I have already being positive all this year. at least, in 2013... there's no really big disaster come into me. except one. it's about something really secret that completely turn my life. not better not worse. It's a big package thing that haven't resolve. I cant share this with anybody. too dangerous. NO, im not having a cancer or aids or anything hahahaha. It's also not because of my boyfriend. and because of that, I cant sleep lastnight. because it's all come together as one, and I was tired yesterday, and I cry. those tears not making me even sleepy. and kept me awake for more hours till early morning-_- I awake this morning on 8am. Im sleepless. Yesterday I feel like Im sick and I wanna vomit at least 3 times. Yesterday was a big dizzy day. but then I nodded, it's connec...

miles and miles

two post in a single night ^^V Yes this is what I do today. 3rd December number 3 is my second fav number after number 9 anyway. 3 is my born date, 3 is today, and 33 is my boyfriend's class presense number when he way in senior high. So now I'm going to tell you guys about my current, not exactly a current, but I haven't tell you.. hmm or have I ? fuck off I'm running on a long distance's hard. but I'm trying so hard to make it not hard :) ok, twisting.  my boyfriend prefer to not call it as a long distance, cause it's just two ours of distance. we can see each other in a morning and at night I've been home. we've been 5 months for doing this things. And so far it went well I've been told everybody that I really wish for a Doraemon's door, that can lead us to going anywhere we want. or maybe a magic fairy wand, it might be better. I know now, I've been mentioned to one of my post that I'm now ...


My life my adventure these days, I've been through a not really amazing experience in my life cause...  actually, it's kinda privacy. I have a big problem for sure. not lovelife, not a fried. not a self-neglection or stuff like teenagers regular issues. I can't tell anyone but only my boyfriend. I've been run and hide, from reality these days. I just can't believe that it can happens to my life. It's too miserable even to imagine. trying to move on. trying to not thinking too much, to be balance. I haven't completely being a grown up kiddo. It's not an easy stuff for a 17 yrs old girl to deal with. people around me just seen me as usual I do relacxing a lot and living my life like nothing is happened. but this shadow is haunting. sometimes being someone who doesnt allowed to speak is really upsetting and that's happens to me right now I don't know till when I will holdin on but what I must do now is, BEE GRATEFUL!! just keep stro...

Blue chair

Judul yang aneh bukan, nggak heran lah. aku sendiri juga aneh. Oh ya, buat kamu yang sedang membaca ini (emangnya ada ta?) hahaha =)) oke. buat kamu yang membaca ini, aku mau kasih tau kalo sore ini menjadi salah satu sore yang mengasyikan dalam bulan novemberku. kenapa sih? sebenernya, di bulan november ini, internetku mati. dan sudah aktif kembali dooong dari 3 hari yang lalu, tapi baru sore ini aku bisa berleha leha ria dengan santainya karena besok hari jumat >,< yeeeahhh baby! bukan, bukan artinya aku gak ada kuliah alias libur, besok masuk, tapi besok kuliahnya cuman satu :" hehe boleh doong TGIT, thanks God it's thursday :> judul tulisannya kenapa blue chair sih? hahaha jadi gini, dulu pas pertama aku punya blog, aku kan bingung mau kasih nama apa.... ya aku dapetin inspirasi dari blogblog semacan fashion blogger gitudeh, kan mereka rata2 nggak nulis nama asli jadi judul blog, hahaha jadi aku memulai mengarang sebuah nama yang pantas buat blog ku, nggak tau...
Life is not a easy matter for everyone. from the beginning, we all have sins. sins that can't be erased even we're working sooo hard, cause it's all humanly. Life is not a like an ice in a sliding board, that can go so fast, easily, without obstacles. this is what stuck in my mind recently, I just can't get over of my problems that already passed even more than one year.those traumas  are still surrounding my brain, even I've trying soooo hard to forget it. but I know, we must get over things that not making us better. sooner or later we will grow up, life must goes on dude. and I'm, a little piece of God's creatures, is still cannot pursue that. I'm worrying, but God has tell me in one of His verses "Don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today" I've have known it! But it's so hard to get over a bitter feel of this. this fear is still haunted me :( Have nobody to t...

tugas ;;) --> Catatan Politik Luar Negeri Indonesia

Catatan Politik Luar Negeri Indonesia Memasuki usia negeri yang genap ke 68 tahun, sejumlah rentetan penting sejarah politik luar negeri Indonesia berhasil ditorehkan beserta perjalananannya di tangan ke enam pemimpin besarnya. Dalam kaitan dengan politik luar negeri, K.J. Holsti dalam bukunya, International Politics: A Framework for Analysis (1981, 366) berpendapat selain situasi internasional, faktor perilaku pemimpin (policy maker) mempunyai pengaruh yang besar dalam memberi warna terhadap politik luar negeri suatu negara. demikian dengan yang terjadi di indonesia. Dalam tulisan dibawah ini, penulis akan membahas mengenai landasan dan prinsip politik luar negeri Republik Indonesia mengenai landasan utamanya, hingga membahas mengenai prinsip politik bebas aktif beserta pengaruhnya dalam keberlangsungan bernegara Republik Indonesia. Kemerdekaan yang diraih oleh bangsa Indonesia, bukanlah sebuah hadiah Cuma-Cuma. Banyak sekali perjuangan dibaliknya yang merupakan kumpulan dari...

Mobil Murah UntuK Rakyat (?) hahaha iseng aja ngepost ;)

Di era yang semakin maju ini, transportasi merupakan salah satu kebutuhan sampingan yang menjadi sorotan utama bagi benak manusia. Transportasi kini sering dianggap menjadi kebutuhan utama. Disetiap daerah, dari ujung daerah urban hingga daerah rural. Selain menjadi salah satu solusi atas tingginya harga transportasi di Idonesia, keberadaan subsidi mobil murah yang sedang di galakan oleh pemerintah menginginkan hidup kualitas masyarakat Indonesia untuk menjadi lebih tinggi. Gaya hidup masyarakat akan terpengaruh atas adanya keputusan ini. Program tersebut menuai beragam pro kontra, utamanya dari partai oposisi. Tentang kemacetan, memang keputusan pemerintah ini tidak cukup menjanjikan. Gerakan ini bisa jadi menjadikan jumlah mobil semakin banyak, utamanya di kota – kota besar. Hal ini dikhawatirkan akan semakin membuat jalan semakin padat.  Yang di khawatirkan disini adalah seberapa besar anggaran yang harus dikeluarkan demi meyakinkan masyarakat akan “demi rakyat untuk raky...

Tuesday thought

Hey there ma sexy ladiessss.. or maybe boy (?) so how's life? Jadiiii, today was pretty much exhausting even I go to nowhere just sitting in front of my tv and doing like reading magazines, checking my phones, back to my computer desk, start youtubing, browsing for cute pictures , and that's all perlu diketahui sedunia yah, kalo liburanku semester ini bener bener super relaxing punya banyak waktu buat nenangin diri dan sampai lamanya sampek bosen hahaha beginilah anak muda, anak muda labil lebih tepatnya, kalo nggak libur libur pada nggak semangat sekolah a.k.a kuliahnya, giliran udah libur semesteran yang segini bertahun tahunnya bosen deh lumutan ya begitulah, kalo memikirkan kata summary, sesungguhnya liburanku sedikit menyedihkan ya, menyedihkan. cuma karena awal liburanku pergi ke NZ aja jadi lebih berwarna oh ya, ke jakarta juga, trus ada idul fitri and then, what about the rest of my holiday? it can be summarized to a single word: UNPRODUCTIVE goshhhhhh manu...

a lovely day

optimism. Im ready to facing a new stage of my life. I wont tell you what happened in my life lately, but sadly I want to haha weirdo. A simple thing, just buzzed my life so damned instantly giving a massive changing made my life from an "okay, cool" for being "wtf" yes I am. I just made my academic way so worst became my lowest score or whatever on my whole life. I'm never ever getting this bad score as this bad. As this creepy college was fun, and so the people, and yes the teacher and the subjects. But  the story behind it wasssssss Im joining an event and unfortunately I can organize myself in the way I must too the god of fortune not giving me the change . and I cant made it, I ruin everything My mommy's kredit, My daddy's money WE'RE OUT OF MONEEEEEEY haha NO. not that bad. But I feel like I just keeping them cannot save their money for their self, for their need I just went to New Zealand and it's so exxpensiveeeeeeee plus, w...


Hey there fellas, its a long time no see , isnt it? so maybe today I want to share you guys, a little bit of negative thinking inside my mind being a positive one is not always easy, it's even hard for many people. I just came up from another looooong journey of my life. I belive it is.its a huge confusing in my mind right now you know what, I am 17 years old right now that means, im probably still can feel those feeling for being like "empty" for a moment yes I know, even old people still can feel that way but, It's kinda absurd. I have sooooooo much burden right now. what i can say here is,sometimes ... you can even feel so tired for feeling like this and so tired for thinking of it just go on..... I am sooo tired right now guys even I dont show it up. believe me, I can handle it but, seriously... what I feeling right now is a torment one a deeply hurt one for being like.... ignored for being like.... burdened and I even too lazy to share it to an...

Great Deal by FDR

“I pledge you, I pledge myself, to a new deal for the American people” Franklin Delano Roosevelt Following the example of his fifth cousin, President Theodore Roosevelt, whom he greatly admired, Franklin D. Roosevelt entered public service through politics; He was elected President in November 1932, to the first of four terms. This quote was spoken by FDR in his captivating, mellifluous voice, to a nation that had suffered three years of devastating depression, the words new deal sounded very good. The Republican candidate, Herbert Hoover, didn’t have a chance. In this case of presidential election, FDR was an incumbent candidate. The incumbent candidate in politics is the existing holder of a political office. This term is usually used in reference to elections, in which races can often be defined as being between an incumbent and non-incumbent. Roosevelt campaigned hard, but he didn’t have to. People wanted a change the election was a landslide. Forty-two of forty ei...


Diversity I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. Martin Luther King, Jr.  The world that we live today is a world that giving a big possibility for us to interact with various cultural and background citizens. In our era now, globalization and many process that grown and increasing each year, has changed the society and another areas of life. From national to global, world diversity will be spread around continuelly and make the earth more multicultural. nowadays the mixing of these cultures has not necessarily led to respect for other cultures or the tolerance among people of diverse background. like Luther King had stressed that racism is the American problem, and so is the world. This problem is not only owned by America. Many part of the world is still traped in the same problem, that is racism. Even the revolution in many part of the wor...

A wednesday morning

I have a plenty massive homework right now. no no sorry i'm just kidding. I mean, not that massive but pretty a lot. I have a presentation coming this week, a 6 journal for this week need to write immediately i have finished 2 of those, a review or a material this week too, an interview which is done basically but it not right, and more. and guess what i haven't finished it yet and it ruin on my mind.  just keep playing around made me even cant have a fresh deep breath. so that's my college life. soooo fun and always :" mmm I'm fuckin love it. hahaha I'm serious guys today I have a class at 10am and right now is 9.14 am and I'm still sitting in front of the compute and havent touch the bathroom door yet. and currently..... I miss my boyfriend, I miss my higschool friends too:" I love playing with my catt hohoho and then, I want to paint my bedroom my self with ... pink or lavender? hhhh I just can't decide. or both maybe??? okay see you later ...


Hey! I have my new semester in college this week. So, it's no longer holiday anymore. a new start, a new beginning, and a new commitment to be a great student. mmm I've stressed out because having those bad scores on my last semester. I've not studied as the best I can, and sadly, I regret it. I thought I would be great on university. but hell, I was not. It's simply beause, i just kept those bad old habbit stuck in my daily basis. And I've get bored. totally bored with this unproductive situation. I'm trying to change it from now. I know that I was always made a plan, a new resolution. but still did not work. I've trying so hard to re-organized my self. and hope this one will work. I need to more commitment. and discipline. I'm not a little girl anymore :' so it's time to reach, and pursue my dream..... anyway,Its raining today in my city, since morning, till this night. the rain even not stopping yet. mmm see ya!

(Ordinary) Wednesday

Helloooou there sugar rush :D how are you? So today, is still on my holiday and next week i'm gonna go to my college and start the new semester goosh, need to gain more gba after this. because I got a bad score in this semester :| and I have a miserable morning this day, not really that bad actually, but I was cryinn.. Just because!! mmh I was too weird to joining my boyfriend conversation with his friend on twitter. and I have no idea what they talked about. I just joined. mmhhh I did those jealousy things that made me annoying:( wont do that anymore-__- and then my boyfriend just came up with "what did you do? don't you read it? what did you wrote? are u sleepy or something?" in such temper way..... you know, I'm a pemper fragile person. and only bcause that kind of ---sentences he spoke to me, I got cry easilyyy :'(((( honestly, Why can't I be like my mom???my mom is a strong person. She never cried. I mean, in front of me but she had a dar...


Hey there:) it's February 14th , and yup. Today is valentine day. And there is no big celebration here on my country, Indonesia. many of people even rejected it and believe that it's a part of westernization or else believe that val-day is bad influence. I don't know what excatly they think about this day but all I know about this day is a day of love, everyone had that love right, it's not dangerous, it's kind of-- reminding day for giving even more love to people around us, or being regardless to forgiving people and loving everybody gratefully .. so what to be arguing about. And let's move to the major topic, I just had a fight with my boyfriend tomorrow because of he got jealous with a friend of mine who I don't realy close enough. and have no feeling. it just empty haha but it was my fault for tweeting with him and replying using intense joking words. ummm absolutely that cute little incident make him mad. and he trying to less texting me and be mo...



summary- 1st week of feb

holla!! hey it's my 1st week and also my first post on february 2013 ;) so, currently.. yup. COUNTING DOWN THE DAYS UNTIL YOUR BIRTHDAY MY DEAR BOYFRIEND ummm I love you sooomuch {} you're going to turn 19th!! {} this week, I'm still on my holiday and I was travelling to Jogjakarta with my boyfriend, and his friends:D it was a huge fun. and a totally mess of money. because we travelling backpacker, and got a little bit tired. but most of all, it was my greatest quality time for this early year <3 I just get a big confession for setting my boyfriend birthday bash, surprise, and even his gift is havent set up. and his birthday is coming up! on this saturday oh goshhhh.. I just saw hansel and gretel, and les miserable. having a film marathon with my boyfriend:D (4/2/13) and I know it's kinda late haha but i just watched "friend with benefits" with my bestfriend nadya, yesterday haha<3 I'm obssesed to maroon5 - lady killer, fortune teller, an...

midnight thoughts

everytime. in my boredom. in my daydreams. in my insomnia, I'm always thinking of you. I never forgot the moments when we're getting back together after we broke up for 1 month in last august. it was so................ fantastic! amazing! spectacular! gorgeous. xxo whatever can't describe it with the words it's under my control {} to hugggg you. and i still can feel those hugs. when tears and happiness melt in one dimension. in a hug. between us:') those happy feelings, just driveeeeee me crazy instantly. i need you more in my life:) Loving you is easy  i need those smile, eyes, cheeks, hugs, voice, arms, lips, everything in you! youre a super complete pocket that God's have brought to me. that's why i'm sooo grateful for that. please stay.


goodmorning pals!!!;) heyyy.. it's tuesday right? i alwaaaays loves tuesday :D  anyway, I just woke up haha. it's a holiday isn't it? and i have no to-do list today...  a friend of my mom just came from singapore and give me this last night, so thankyou aunt! it's so greeeaaatXD Yesterday, I found a national geographic magazine with an issue about egypts animal mummies november 2009 edition and I know it's to old looong time ago for 5 years maybe but it's so interesting (in my opinion). I'm inlove with page one. it's a campaign advertising article, from IBM.  I just started to read it and I will share it for you ;) A mandate for change is a mandate for smart. Our political leaders are not the only ones who have been handed a mandate for change. Leaders of businesses and institutions  everywhere have a unique opportunity to transform the way the  world works. We find ourselves at this moment because the ...

aquarium, hujan, dan pms

Hey there It's raining. and I need to handle this pain of PMS :( dilepnya ini to the maxx. rasanya pengen menggeliat dikasur hotel aja :(:( hiks so sad -____- I always scared if rain's coming and I'm home-alone. takutt mati lampu banget nih, jadi emoga nggak mati lampu aja yaa:( ini doa bener2 deh nih gara2 home alone :( bapak ke gersik, ibu pulang malem nanti malam . trussss aku kalo sampe mati lampu pegimaneeeee??? jadi, aku mau share dikit tentang hari ini. tentang kegundahan hari ini -_- cukup lah aku nggabisa tidur tadi malem -_- maana nggak mimpi apa2. surem. trus bangun2 jedaar masih ada problema kecil yg tak terselesaikan semalam. jadi ceritanya, semalem aku ngebersihin meja. nggak sengaja kesenggol deh minyak kemiri tumpah ke meja jadikan baunyaaa wadooh asem2 wangi tradisional banget gitu kan ya. akhirnya munculah ide membubuhkan bedak ke meja biar bs beres itu minyaknya keserep hahaha tapi yang terjadi... malah mejaku lengket -_- jadi putih semuaaa:( ...


selamat tanggal 17 mates{} pasti gubenuran lagi upacara yah? :> selamat hari kamis juga anyway! umm... a bit bout today was.. dating! yup haha. firstly, aku pagi2 udah telfonan sama fara satu jam an kali ya? lebih bisa bahkan kangen nih sama fara, lama nggak ketemu. truuuus, pacar dateng tuh siang2 pulang kuliah dia. truss,kita pergi deh nonton the hobbit:) yaah namanya juga anak muda la yah :D xixixi okaay.. so hari ini cukup baik:) so, the topic is recently entah ini terlintas begitu saja beberapa detik sebelum aku menulis kata ini. sejujurnya setiap kali aku menuli, pertama-pertama tidak ada prompt haha atau plot-plot yang sudah terekam, kadang sih nyiapin. tapi kalo udh 'pokoknya mood nulis karena pengen begini ya sikaaat aja jemari menekan satu persatu tombol di keyboard :">" okay so recently... I'm wearing my: barong T-shirt and bear short I'm eating : sateeee <3 6 tusuk dimakan lemaknya (di bagian tengah sate) ajah ^^ I'm drinking...


hey it's 2nd day of my holiday:D just normal :) i meet my boyfriend this morning, and now miss him already <3 dia lagi bobo... aku juga ngantuk sih, tapi hehe masih nonton glee nih soo.. sekarang tanggal 16 ya. tanggal 16 januari, tadi pagi aku makan soto di jalan pacar keling sama si pacar:) aku jadi keinget kalau sebentar lagi february. jangan cepet2 deh berlalu january nyaa duit ima masih dikit hehehe bentar lagi pacar ulang tahun. aku mau ngado dia apa yaa:) hihi ini masih rahasia yang jelas aku sudah ada ide hehehe oh ya, liburan ini imoy mau kemana\:/ masih nggak adarencana sih any idea? pingin banget gitu refreshing diluar kota:( i'm soo tired of this city anyway it's 2013 already yah :) aku mau bikin resolusi ah dan to make it remembered, mau bikin disini juga hihi jujurnya sih, sejauh ini masih males bikin resolusi ima nya males sih. kapan bisa gerak resolusinya kalo disiplin aja enggak:D jangan ditiru yaa haha hmmm jadi kesimpulannya tahun...

normal&i hate it

Hello it's my first day of holiday:) im decided to write because, i'm missing this blog so bad I have no time to write since I was get busy on my daily collage stuffs I was get bored easily so every time i have a free-time I was only browsing some unimportant stuff and watching YouTube. It's already 1 semester went through soooo.. what am I going to write.. I'm always asking this same question everytime I write. maybe a little of my daily? it's have been 3 months after my last post. to be honest, there's no important stuff happened:( but, my lovelife is going  this great :3 yes, I love it but why is my school life is so normal? but... why did I just like this? I have no any changes I still the way I am like when I was a high school student my point is, I want to get smarter. and brighter with a new me can speak well English, Francais, whatever I always this lazy............................................................ I'm so stressed ...