last day of 2013

Hey you . You know what?yes. 2013 is nearly over. Minutes clambering up to the ladder of new year eve.' The stacks of christmas decorations has begin to put off. a nice one year, are going to leave. I want to thank God for this marvelous year, to gave me chances to give my shot on this year, for gave me breath, for gave me health. I believe that those blessings will never end. God's will always be here. I really grateful for having my every single person I love for was fine, I can through this year. and now, 2014 is coming a lovely number... 2014 I love 14, it was my class number when I was in the middle school. Thank God for your blessing thankyou for new friends, for new places I have been, for new experiences and new lessons I'm 17th yrs old in 2013. it doesnt mean much but how grateful am I to be able to consider my self as a grown kid. I'm not a baby anymore there's still so much task, that still waiting for me to grasp. I will always want to b...